strategy and playacting often involving mascotsDRAGONSGUARD HISTORICAL SOCIETY when they enact fantastical narratives that they re-Skills: Arcana, History solve with special rules.Member: Bhedum Rampart Sooviij MAGE TOWER CHEER SQUADThese historians are fascinated by all time periods,and they regularly meet to discuss, debate, and deep Skills: Perception, Persuasion Member: Zanther Bowendive into members favorite topics. The students cram both information and caffeine into themselves before exams. of someone who has lived and died (or who will Few know that archaics existence is linked to a one day live and die) as an Oracle. The piece re- new aptitude: conducting.ceived a standing ovation from the mage-studentbody and a grumpy thumbs down from the campusconstruction golems. If you pour coffee from the bottle, rather than In addition, one creature of your choice in that drinking from it, the coffee vanishes the moment itarea can spend and roll one of its unspent Hit Dice leaves the bottle. Tune into D&D Live 2021 presented by G4 on July 16 and 17 for details including new . ing the same campus job, or you could be introduced Read the descriptions of backgrounds and feats by mutual friends. Esix never seems to register theseThe central hall of Quandrix campus lies at the would-be threats, as it remains consumed by its ownend of a geometric series of walkways, terminat- at ascending ramps to the towering building. random monster encounters that crop up on cam- pus. Bards thriveto enter one of Strixhavens colleges. 1 I love brewing up a new recipe, even if some mightSkill Proficiencies: Nature, Survival be repulsed by my choice of ingredients. You are Medium or Small. When you cast this spell us-Casting Time:1 reaction, which you take when a creature you can see within 60 feet of yourself ing a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, the damage succeeds on an attack roll, an ability check, or a increases by ld6 for each slot above 2nd, and the saving throw number of Hit Dice that can be spent and added to the healing roll increases by one for each slotRange: 60 feetComponents: V above 2nd.Duration: Instantaneous MAGIC ITEMSYou magically distract the triggering creature andturn its momentary uncertainty into encouragement This section presents some magic items that arefor another creature. charges daily at dawn. members mentioned in chapter 1 include genasi, tri- The characters are also subject to the authority tons, and even a bipedal brown bear.of the universitys faculty and staff members. At the end of a provi- whatever they study. What is the purpose of art? THE CULTIVARIUMTHE ARITHMODROME The Cultivarium is an eye-popping, sun-drenchedThe Quandrix campus is alive with dynamic garden of spiraling, cyclical plants and fractalizedsculptures made of water behaving in odd ways: animals. The bottle comes with a stopper, which is attachedCasting Time: 1 actionRange: 60 feet to the bottle by a little chain. With subjects rang- Quandrix Trinkets. Scholars of chaos gravitate towardbetween the two colleges. The tracking sheet includes the fol- counters without using rules to resolve them. Fortunately, we have got all the details on the latest Dungeons & Dragons book, including any gameplay changes on offer and what it does differently to other D&D releases. Even as he flour-For their final project as a mage-student, Nassarifamously turned in an earthquake, which almost ished as both mage and musician, he discovered adestroyed three campus buildings. paign, you can run them as standalone adventures. At the heart of the library ismultiple permanent teleportation circles, which fac- a snarl, a tangle in the fabric of magic, that glowsulty and more advanced students can use when theyrequire instantaneous travel, and several magical like a miniature sun in the grand Hall of Oracles. They Theory d8 Scholar Substancedwell in the overlap between the theoretical and the Theory 1 Abstractor, using magic to stretch the Substancenatural from the fabric of their robes to the nature possibilities of space Theoryof their spells, they make use of repeated elements, Substance 2 Augmenter, making creatures and Theory-clever symmetries, and surprising geometry to ex things larger the complex truths they study 3 Fractalologist, creating beautiful illu-STUDIES AND PHILOSOPHY sory patternsThe studies undertaken within Quandrix College -4 Mana scholar, studying snarls, leyinclude mathematics, physics, logic, statistics, meta- lines, and star archesphysics, and various fields of theoretical magic. Some acrobatic rogues leges math problems for prospective students. PRINCIPLES AND POLARITIES Upon retiring, a professor receives the title of The colleges and curriculum at Strixhaven are or- mage emeritus. Each of these mascots is dethird of their classes in other colleges, continuing tailed in chapter 7.the breadth of their first-year education and looking STRIXHAVEN MASCOTSfor places where the perspectives of other disci-plines can bring new insight to their studies. A longs to us all!professor of spirit studies, she has been called the So, naturally, he mastered the magical art of dupli-colleges most talented pastraiser. The Prismari Personality Traits table Languages: One of your choice Equipment: A bottle of black ink, an ink pen, ansuggests a variety of traits you might adopt for your abacus, a book of arcane theory, a school uniform,character. They dontcounselor, meanwhile, might offer several ordered, step in directly, but a director known as the Voice of the Founders currently an imposing man namedrational proposals for course selection, focus on the Taiva speaks on the dragons behalf.political and human aspects of historical issues, and MASCOTSplace less emphasis on martial prowess. This book includes a poster map that shows Strixhavens campuses on one side and location maps on the other. 185 25 Magical Physiologies Confronting Murgaxor 186 187 Exam: Slaadi . Not only can he perfectly recreateentire legions of ghostly apparitions to reenact his-torical events for her lectures. In addition, if you study the primer at the end of In addition, if you study the primer at the end of a long rest, you can choose one lst-level spell froma long rest, you can choose one lst-level spell from the bard or cleric spell list. In than for defeating monsters. Strixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos PDF? : r/DungeonsAndDragons - reddit mental energy encircle the structure. pledgemages. The five Founder Dragons are thought to for the more specialized work to follow. You dont provoke opportunity attacks. If your mascot familiar is within 60 feet of you, you can teleport as an action, swapping places You can move through the space of another crea- with the familiar. D&D: 'Strixhaven: Curriculum of Chaos'- Weaponized Polyamory at If you small for you to occupy, the teleportation fails and end your turn in another creatures space, you are is wasted. A semester of spellslinging. Each adventure describes an academic year filled with scholarly pursuits, campus shenanigans, exciting friendships, hidden dangers, and perhaps even romance. For instance, Campus Kerfuffle, the adven- ture in this chapter, takes place during the char- The adventures assume youre playing a Strix- acters first year at the university. He is known for the students is in danger, they leap into action in per-unnerving habit of fully rotating his head around to fect harmony.address his students, while still rapidly chalking up DEEKAH , FRACTAL THEORISTcomplex theorems and equations on a chalkboard. This chapter offers an overview of life and studies on the scholars experts in their various fields and in the universitys campus, as well as a look at each of the use of magic to enhance their studies. You can conduct roleplaying scenes withINTERIOR MAPS the characters fellow students, taking into accountMaps in the book primarily depict areas for the their Friends, Rivals, and Beloveds. Clerics with the Divine Do-mains of Light and Trickery also fit in well amongthe mages of Silverquill. Strixhaven - A Curriculum of Chaos - 3 I believe everyone has the ability to express their QUANDRIX SPELLS truest selves through art, and I m happy to quietly Spell Level Spells push them in the right direction. Valentin is a kind of sangromancer he re-The decay philosophy sees life energy as a resource ceives visions from the blood he consumes, whichto be consumed, rather than a good to be nourished he uses to learn things about a creature or place.for its own sake. The universitys students and faculty are united by a desire to learn and include humans, elves, dwarves,STRIXHAVEN IS A UNIVERSITY owlin (described in chapter 2), ores, trolls, vampires,This books campaign assumes that the player and studious folk of many other origins.characters are students at Strixhaven University. Adds new player character options including feats and backgrounds. This view herbalist; its even said she once cured the Loreholdcelebrates the diversity and adaptability of life-forms, from the tiniest cells to the most complex founder dragon of a secret illness. SINGLE PAGE PROCESSED JP2 ZIP download. DISTINGUISHED SOCIETY OF FINEARTISTS Skills: Performance or Sleight of Hand Member: Cadoras Damellawar, Nora Ann Wu These painters, sculptors, printmakers, and mosaic artists gather to create fine works and to discuss the latest techniques and trends in the world of art.44 CHAPTER | SCHOOL IS IN SESSIONDRAGONCHESS CLUB LIVE-ACTION ROLEPLAYING GUILDSkills: Deception, Investigation Skills: Animal Handling, Performance Member: Cadoras Damellawar, RosimyffenbipMember: Bhedum Rampart Sooviij, Tilana Kapule Rosie WuzfeddlimsThese experts in the game of dragonchess discuss These storytelling enthusiasts engage in a mix ofthe latest in strategy, compete against one another,and test out homemade variations of game rules. The Witherbloomthe focus of your reading, which include biology and Personality Traits table suggests a variety of traitsnecromancy. of Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma. The univer-ress through their magical studies. STRIXHAVEN PERFORMING ARTS SOCIETYJOB BENEFITS Jobs: Cleanup crew member, general assistant, re-While a student has a Job, they earn a wage and a freshments expert, stagehand, ticket taker, usher Coworker: Larine ArnezaRelationship Point, as explained below. Search. my goals.SILVERQUILL SPELLS 6 No one knows about the all-nighters Ive pulled to Spell Level Spells keep my magic looking effortless, and Im going to keep it that way. Your academic passions are in the broad field you might adopt for your character.of history. Even a blast of fire in yourLanguages: One of your choice hands is a sculpted work of art; elemental forcesEquipment: A bottle of black ink, an ink pen, a set make grand designs as you hurl spells. Its schol-ars view art as the fundamental form of self-ex- The Prismari Scholars table offers examples of thepression and magic as a tool, a medium, and an scholars in Prismari College. Professors convey fantastic secrets to eager students, and life on campus is frenetic. DnD: Strixhaven: Curriculum of Chaos' Table of Contents Surfaces - CBR Is it to help others or SHAILE TALONROOK, DEAN OF RADIANCEfurther a personal agenda? In practical terms, for player characters, you can use the rules found in any D&D book to select aEven as they get caught up in the adventures, thecharacters have to continue going to class, doing characters race, if the DM approves. Quandrix faculty members have repeatedlycube-shaped fountains, arching aqueducts that taught growth spells in this part of campus, andflow through the air, towers of solid-seeming water. Others come to settle their differences in wild duels in the lot behind the tavern. light of inspiring wordsRADIANCE AND SHADOW 7 Vainglory, wielding the power of a per-The two deans of Silverquill are called the Dean fectly crafted compliment to enhanceof Radiance and the Dean of Shadow, highlighting a persons best qualitiesthe colleges use of metaphor in describing its philo- 8 Warsinger, stirring hearts through po-sophical differences. lowing parts: character participates in an Extracurricular, they Relationships. :18 CHAPTER 1 | LIFE AT STRIXHAVENQUANDRIX COLLEGE SCHOLARS OF QUANDRIXQuandrix is the College of Numeromancy a term The Quandrix Scholars table offers examples ofthat encompasses the study of patterns, fractals, the scholars in Quandrix College. The stu- Each of Strixhavens five colleges has a mascot adent must then navigate this conflicting advice and small creature associated with the magic of thechart their own course. "Have you met Colwanda yet? is a question that older Characters have ample opportunity to meet Dean Lorehold students love to ask second-year students,Tullus in the adventure presented in chapter 5. new to the college. Strixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos - AnyFlip Its traditional name the results of his cruelty to help future lives.comes from the prominence of vampires within the VALENTIN, DEAN OF THE VEINcollege, whose conceptions of draining life through Dean Valentin (neutral vampire) is ancient and drinks the blood of living creatures throughout thethe vein have long proven an important counter-weight to the growth philosophy of Witherbloom. If you make an Intelligence (Arcana) without a spell slot if you are holding the primer.or an Intelligence (Nature) check while holding theprimer, you can expend 1 charge to give yourself Your spellcasting ability for this spell is your choicea ld4 bonus to the check, immediately after youroll the d20. These maps are designed to be eas-ily reproduced on graph paper, a wet-erase mat, or to help the academic year feel varied and robust.some other surface to help the players visualize lo- Finally, as the characters are completing tasks together for their courses or hanging out with theircations and devise combat strategies. The events of the adventure character? Students from other colleges often take 3 Inkcaster, summoning living inklings Radiance to serviceSilverquill courses to improve their communicationskills, learning to speak and write more effectively 4 Lumimancer, bringing light to bear on shameful situations and holding cor-about their primary field of study. Her research extendsa pack of hungry groffs and shepherded them back to the vital functions of fractal creatures and otherto Widdershins Hall, offering a lecture on proper artificial life-forms, leading her to teach courses at Quandrix College as well.herb-gathering practices during the journey. Strixhaven: Curriculum of Chaos PDF Free Download - DNDWiki Thumbnails. The campusthe Strixhaven campus. A profes-This section describes noteworthy members of the sor of order, he treasures every connection to old civilizations, whether its a magnificent jeweledLorehold faculty. Stu- INSTRUCTORS Strixhavens faculty begin their careers as instruc- dents and faculty arent limited to magical topics tors, focusing primarily on teaching classes and alone; they pursue studies in every facet of exis- crafting curriculum, while the school administration tence-magical or otherwise applying magic to evaluates their performance. over the centuries, the area has come to intensifyOne water structure holds a secret: a mysterious any growth magic cast within it.. CHAPTER 1 | LIFE AT STRIXHAVENSILVERQUILL COLLEGE SCHOLARS OF SILVERQUILLSilverquill is the College of Eloquence, and its The Silverquill Scholars table offers examples ofmagesstylish, intimidating, and driven are the scholars in Silverquill College. I'd appreciate the help if someone could point me in the right direction! Several with monuments depicting historic figures, includ-star arches encircle rocky peaks and outcroppings, ing past professors and prominent mage-students, as well as war heroes and heads of state fromtestifying to the powerful magical energy in the vi- ages past.cinity-energy once harnessed by the ancients who KOLLEMA HALLused to inhabit this area. Like D&D 5e Strixhaven - A Curriculum of Chaos? Scholars seek out archaics for their vast soul and its fragmented memories coalesce into aknowledge of history and magic, but archaics tend creature a newborn archaic. dents train in fitness, dance, martial arts, and otherGRANDLOFT HALL acts of physical performance. Strixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos introduces the fantastical setting of Strixhaven University, provides rules for creating . CUDDLY STRIXHAVEN MASCOT Wondrous Item, Common Representing one of the mascots of Strixhaven, this .soft, Tiny, magic toy is perfect for cuddling If you press it to your arm, shoulder, or leg as an action, the toy stays attached there for 1 hour or until you use an action to remove it.2 | CHARACTER OPTIONSThis toy can also be used to fight off fear. wise, giant, long-lived beings with an innate talent for magic. OPUS WALK Hundreds of Prismari creations are displayed alongHe recently graduated from Strixhaven himself,and he bubbles with excitement at the prospect of a path that winds through the central campus build-guiding a new generation of students on the course ings, giving the path its name: Opus Walk. He combines localingredients with flavors from his homeland into an The center of the Witherbloom campus is Widdersh-ever-changing menu of delicacies. Two successful ability checks mean the char-cult questions, or using mnemonics or other memo-rization techniques to absorb academic material. Some fighters, monks, rangers, and rogues study here, using Quandrix principles to train their minds. Creature Type. bayou. This chapter adds to that wealth of op- the game affect creatures of certain types in differ-tions with the material in the following sections: ent ways. Strixhaven: Curriculum of Chaos is a new MTG D&D setting tion) check and a successful Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check, both using the DC set for the Exam. Strixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos Spells | Strixhaven Spells 5E Owlin have arms and legs like other Humanoids, as well as wingsStrixhaven and other D&D settings. 1993-2023 Wizards of the Coast LLC, a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc. All Rights Reserved. The Strixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos sourcebook brings D&D fans to the magical university of Strixhaven for the first time but it's not the first time we've seen Strixhaven, which hails from the world of Magic: The Gathering TCG. To get more targeted content, please make full-text search by clicking. strictness and abrupt scoldings.BREENA, THE DEMAGOGUE BRENNETH BLACKSTONE, SCRIPTOLOGY STAR Brenneth Blackstone (neutral good dhampir Silver-Breena (neutral good owlin Silverquill profes- quill professor of shadow) is a rising star in thesor of shadow) has a talent for getting her way. cyclones whenever he practiced.) Search. Some GrowthWitherbloom mages defend ecosystems from pollu- 1 Banelock, using concoctions of nox- Growthtion, while others revel in the power of corruption. 4 A forged permission slip granting access to the special archives of Strixhavens librariesBUILDING A SILVERQUILL CHARACTER 5 A stylish silver pin that references a famous seriesMany bards find a home in Silverquill, putting the of novels about warlockspower of their voices to use with Silverquill magic.Wizards (especially those who study the Schools of 6 A stack of small pieces of parchment, each en-Illusion and Enchantment) are common in Silver- chanted to stick to whatever surface its pressed against and peel off easilyquill, as are warlocks.