Read and heed it. They'll try to make it somehow socially acceptable, suggesting it was a crime of passion rather than a premeditated event. PART ONE: Recognizing and Avoiding Snitches Here is an example of what the notebook should look like. Some typical things snitches and/or agents provocateurs do: This ultra-basic piece of advice goes back at least to the agitators of the 1960s. Blog about it. While a number of blogs have reported that it's false news and both rappers have seemingly denied the allegation as well, papers have been leaked that indicate otherwise. Also, I'm a fairly large white guy with short hair, my preference because when my hair grows out I look like a used Q-tip. In that case, reporting on you isn't snitching, it's self defense. The only things you should ever say to a police officer are things like these: You should never lie to a cop because that in itself may be a crime. Some members of your group may be absolute innocents. It's true that stereotypes become so by generally being true, but it's doubtful that any one individual would embrace them all. The noun form has been in use since the 17th century; originally with meanings such as "nose," or " a blow on the nose," and in the 18th century taking on its "tattletale" sense. We mentioned this option before as a means of protecting yourself and your true friends. And finally let's never forget some snitches play on that most basic instinct of all S.E.X. "Government" may mean local cops. As I said, old joke, but an element of truth. Parents couldn't trust their children. The five famous snitches show that. This comes from "just waiting," who also contributed the excellent primer on interrogation that you'll find in the appendices. But bear in mind that DAs often are of the "lock-em-all-up" frame of mind, while public defenders are frequently used to just pleading their clients out to get the best deal possible, without concern for actual guilt or innocence. "Mere" snitching vs active entrapment If you are followed or feel vulnerable, call a friend; don't "tough it out" alone. Snitches are effective precisely because they're so hard to detect. THE POLICE OFFICER IS NOT YOUR FRIEND. A rat is a traitor, a conceiver, planner or physical participator. Despite being a printer, he didn't have the special plates required to print money. He testified for the prosecution about the Bloods, Jim Jones and Cardi B. FIRST RULE: Learn and practice good security consciousness If you become a snitch and don't regret it enough to stop, then to hell with you. A person joins your group and statements he/she makes about his/her background just don't add up. A "rat" is a traitor, a conceiver, planner or physical participator He doesn't sell secrets for power or cash He betrays the trust of his team or his family hoping to save his own cowardly ass The difference is, at least a snitch is human, but a rat is a fuckin' rat, period Submit Corrections But well, you'll need to judge for yourself what the snitch in your midst deserves. Wow, and here I thought you were one of us." It's absolutely mind-boggling how many seemingly innocuous agencies these days have arrest powers, armed enforcers and snitches employed in sneaky sting operations. He . Snitches damage individuals, organizations, and movements even before they actually rat on anybody. Although they vastly outnumber humans, we rarely see them. an instant and easy case against virtually anyone they want to target. And worse, you think the person is, or even might be, targeting you. ago. "If nothing else, snitches show a very developed sense of self-preservation and a willingness to do anything to save their own ass. Justice William Brennan dissented, warning that the decision could empower law enforcement agents to 'round up and jail all 'predisposed' individuals.'". 2- Sleek Swimmers 3- Tail Tales 4- One-fourth a Look a Like 5- Winter Soldiers 6- No stopping the teeth 7- Smart Eater 8- Deep Sleepers 9- American Mouse 10- Disease Distributors rat facts snitches. The official Reid Interrogation has nine steps, beginning with an accusation of guilt and ending with a confession. It means conducting yourself in such a way as not to give away secrets or walk stupidly into avoidable dangers. On the advice of my lawyer, I cannot talk to you. It's particularly useful if you've been busted along with friends or associates, or even if the cops persuade you that they have busted or will soon be busting others in your circle. First thing to understand: Once you are arrested, ALL of the rights you had as a US citizen are gone except for two: the right to remain silent and the right to have an attorney present during questioning. Paid agents provocateurs talk or trick otherwise harmless people into committing crimes. Rat noun (informal) A term indiscriminately applied to numerous members of several rodent families (e.g. With rare and noble exceptions, they are probably not your best resource if you really hope to be represented as you wish. If you can do so without violating your state's law, quietly begin video or audiotaping all interactions with the suspected person. For example, there's also what we'll call the "accidental snitch" though idiot snitch might be more appropriate. Your real work may suffer. To LE, there are no other acceptable outcomes. And in fact, one tactic a snitch might use to divert suspicion from herself is to point the finger at someone else. As Bovard says, standards have changed. It is a method of interview and interrogation (read: psychological manipulation) specifically designed to produce confessions. You will have to live with yourself and if you have any self-awareness at all, every time you look in a mirror, a person you don't want to be will stare back at you. Both Jim and Heidi Hogshire spent three days in jail. What happens to you if you snitch and your friends find out? This snitch is often a legitimate member of a group or social circle who continues to be active while giving information to the police. They may make hyper-strong appeals to your cause then use the leverage they gain to make equally strong appeals for committing crimes. "What do you think of these new reforms they keep talking about?" Or you can do it publicly, literally holding a purge or a type of trial where you present the evidence against the person. The damage a false accusation of snitching can do is horrifying. Do your best to make sure your associates also follow good security practices. When you've been arrested and are being interrogated, one cop will bully and intimidate you until you're just a little puddle of terror. Court cases around the nation - a search engine is your friend, here - have affirmed the "right" of government agents to lie to their targets. Chances are, if you're a non-violent political activist or small-time dealer of "college type" drugs who got busted and turned, your friends will hate you but won't beat you up or kill you if they learn you snitched on them. Don't say anything you don't want to hear repeated when there is any possibility of being recorded. They'll turn the heat up (I once knew an interrogator who wore a sweater and complained of a chill in a 90+ degree room, talk about psychological manipulation), brighten or darken the room, etc. If you are going to use this book in court under no circumstances should you rip out any of the pages, this will only give the other side ammo to use against you. A "Rat" is a turncoat. The author is MJR, who works in security. Back in Soviet Russia, twin brothers were born. And in this case the unthinkable was verifiable. This person may be hoping the cops will pay with money, drugs, or ongoing criminal immunity for her dubious "services." No one in law enforcement (LE) is your friend, and NO ONE wants to "help" you. He'll tell you he's been watching and that to him, you don't seem to be the kind of person who could do something like what you're accused of. Acts are what they did; Circumstantial is the impressions and anything odd about the situation. In a more serious context, a gang member may be called a snitch if he informs the police of an upcoming drug deal. Now, some countries that knew the horror of snitch culture forbid or limit the use of snitches. Years ago, when the New York Libertarian Party was starting up, a new member joined and became active. "Hey, I know you have a machine shop in your garage; how about helping me cut down the barrel on this shotgun? USE THEM!!! Contributors included lawyers, former cops, security specialists, political activists, members of the drug culture, business executives in "sensitive" fields, outlaw bikers, and in a couple of cases people whose identities are so deeply secret that I couldn't credit them even if I wanted to. Do not post sensitive material on social media, Do not talk to cops or indeed any government agents about anything. This is. dolomic917 6 mo. Do not do anything in that person's presence or within that person's knowledge that you wouldn't do in front of your mother. It doesn't matter where you fall in the political spectrum or even if you're apolitical. Prior to talking to you, the LE tries to learn everything there is to know about the event leading to your arrest. The military calls this OpSec Operational Security. Listen to the official audio of "Snitches & Rats" by 21 Savage x Metro Boomin (Official Audio)Stream Savage Mode 2: Recognizing a snitch Again I couldn't help myself and laughed out loud. That's enough for me to never use a single point of entry to the WWW. His or her experience with people who've been accused by snitches. However, traditionally it's been used as a lovely bit of revenge and a way to keep snitches busy without letting them know you're already on to them. When rats play, they make sounds similar to laughter. Each and every one of these people is a betrayer of friendship and trust. Rat noun woman killed last night; baking soda and bleach bath; the walking dead makeup artist jenna; Payroll Services Do her statements about her education or her friends hold up? On the other hand, the Internet has made other, non-traditional forms of shunning possible. The notes should be written in a clear and concise way. Today snitches and betrayers often see benefits and face nowhere near enough drawbacks for their dirty work. Don't talk directly to government agents. Too much direct eye contact? It could also mean the FBI, the Department of Homeland Security, or a host of other state or federal agencies. And yes, this may well mean you go through a couple interviews and pay a couple of fees before you find the "right one.". The difference is, at least a snitch is human, but a rat is a f***** rat, period." In addition to Morgan Freeman, Savage Mode II includes features . And don't imagine that "mere" innocence will protect you. Interesting facts about rats 1. no matter what the personal cost to you. After all, you're just a snitch. If you know, or even have good reason to suspect that someone is a cop or any sort of government agent, DO NOT TALK TO THEM. He loses his reputation unjustly. If you do refuse to snitch and "the man" becomes more threatening, consider going public with your courageous refusal. If not, you may not have a snitch, but you have an untrustworthy person, for sure. They may say they already "know everything," so you might as well tell "your side of the story" to make others look worse than you. This sort of thing happened a lot but there were no signs of discontent. IBA starts the moment of your first contact with LE. Interesting Facts About Rats: For the "Mousenthusiasts" 12 Rodent Facts and Stats to Make you Jump off the Chair 1- Batman and Friends - Are rats nocturnal? Your guide to protecting yourself against snitches, informers, informants, agents provocateurs, narcs, finks, and similar vermin is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commerical-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. naked mole rat, (Heterocephalus glaber), burrowing member of the rodent family Bathyergidae, named for its wrinkled pinkish skin and hairless bodily appearance. Being a rat doesn't diminish their ability to fight, it just changed their tactics and focus temporarily.". In a serious case, you may end up having to shut down the entire group to foil a snitch or agent provocateur. Rats are thin-tailed, medium-size rodents that originated in Asia and Australia but are now found all over the world. Wow, so much in common, you two could be pals. So the only contributors credited anywhere in the book are those who wrote items especially for this project or whose comments on my blog, Living Freedom I reprinted here. It can be fun to watch pet rats mimicking each other's behaviors. California, Concord He knew how to set a table for a formal dinner, used the Robert's Rules very well, and fit in very well with the highly educated members. The good news is that just a bit of advanced preparation can help any of us understand how police get us to work against our own interests and how they turn scared people into informants. You should never imagine you can outsmart a cop with clever talk. Redeem Now Buffering Snitches & Rats (Interlude) 21 Savage 2 years ago Hip Hop 1.46M 15.4K 306 21 Savage Verified 1.46M 261 Follow Report And remember: Everything we say about not talking to cops also goes for every, single kind of government agent, local, state, national, or international. Again, we are very, very squeamish about the idea of turning any non-violent, non-thieving person into to any law-enforcement agency. When you are at your most vulnerable, the interrogators are ready to begin. In the Season 5 finale, it emerges that the consigliere has been an informant since 1981. You'll be wise if you have a good lawyer on your side from the get-go. Haug is one of the agents provocateurs the FBI planted with the Hutaree Militia a group that basically did not do much while its members spouted unpleasant political rhetoric. Paramilitary police descended on the Hogshires' apartment. If you get arrested, DO NOT TALK. Repairing the damage snitches do They only want you to confess and do their will. On January 14, 1998, three men robbed the Bank of America offices inside the World Trade Center and stole $1.6 million. 21 Savage Responds To Rumors On Whether His 'Snitches And Rats' Track Is About Tekashi 69. Within your group, talk about them only to people who have a need to know. Reid is broken down into three parts, Factual Analysis, the Initial Behavioral Analysis Interview, and the Interrogation. Don't gossip on the phone. they nosy as hell always and somebody else business but won't snitch on their own damn self 15 More answers below Why has being a whistleblower become a crime or viewed as a negative thing? No book is a substitute for common sense and healthy skepticism. Explain the kind of pressures that were put on you. Every click, every search, every action CAN be recorded. So, if you find yourself being interrogated and you feel you must defend yourself, at least try to minimize the damage. Ever. All shared the same goal of helping non-violent people save themselves from snitches and hopefully, someday ending the corrupt and evil "snitch culture." Another publisher Black had worked with wrote an open letter in defense of Hogshire. Set one snitch spying on another. Rat is a synonym of snitch. On the other hand, things could be resolved very easily. Don't use code on the phone. Although as of this writing, Black has managed to keep his Wikipedia page scrubbed of the gory details, the evidence will be out there on other sites as long as he lives and few people will ever again give serious credence to an "anarchist" who reports people to the cops the moment he gets irritated with them. Flex Your Rights This organization has online videos, DVDs, and tons of advice on how to handle yourself during police encounters. (And remember again, cops are among the biggest liars on the planet.). Your snitching will probably not be important enough to earn you a spot in the Witness Protection Program, not even if you put your life in danger for your cop-handlers' sake. Director Shaka King, left, on the set of "Judas and the Black Messiah" with lead actor Daniel Kaluuya. Unfortunately, it's quite possible you'll never be able to repair the damage done by a snitch. The real Jordan Belfort, aka the Wolf of Wall Street. He said he was from a low-income neighborhood, worked a manual labor job, and did not know much about politics. Remember those "iffy" statements ("I don't recall "), but deny being there, deny any knowledge of events, deny knowing people, deny everything you honestly can. Dante himself did not imagine a torture in hell like what you will experience from LE if you get caught lying to them. Sit up straight, slouch, fold your arms in your lap, fold them across your chest? A target of shunning isn't welcome into people's homes, can't get served at restaurants, doesn't have his greetings returned, can't get help from any of her former friends, and is generally unable to function within the community. Sometimes they get everything they need from some anonymous person who makes false accusations via a tips hotline. After you've been busted and are standing around at the police station is NOT a good time to be leafing through the yellow pages. They've heard it all. First you should start with the date. They may pretend to be your friend. The mere fear of them destroys trust, friendship, and cohesiveness. Not many people sympathized (and Litz made her own reputation worse with her online writings). Got the Hollow Tips for Snitches How radical groups of the past have dealt with snitches and how contemporary groups can learn from the past. The club's leader, Aref "Scarface" Nagi, was obsessed with hunting down the secret informants in their midst when federal investigators infiltrated the Highwaymen in preparation for a . We consider this to be in the category of trying to "outsmart" the snitch which is not wise. . Brothers couldn't trust brothers because so many were reporting to the state. Rehabilitate and take the snitch back into your circle. ), They may make it easy to commit crimes by not only pushing the idea, but actually supplying the funding, the equipment, the transportation, and the planning for the crime. Seeking self-justification, you might tell yourself you're just an innocent who got dragged into the whole situation by the other person. You always have a chance of finding another group. He "cuts them out of the herd" in order to pull them into illegal plots. For instance, if you're an anti-drug-war activist, don't sell drugs on the side. But only after you've been busted, scared out of your wits, deprived of your property, and perhaps driven into bankruptcy. The KGB used to call it "the sparrow trick"; get a red-blooded heterosexual male up close with an attentive, manipulative female and said male will eventually whisper all manner of secrets into her ear. Quietly encourage others to be watchful (it's just good OpSec, after all), but do not make public accusations without real reason. A snitch is a person who informs an authority (such as a parent or the police) of bad behavior. In part, the long-term results of being targeted by a snitch depend on how you and your associates handle the problem. 1)Rats are medium-sized rodents with a long tail. Shunning has historically been a huge tactic in close communities. Ky5Lkk 6 mo. Snitches, especially professional agents provocateurs, can be master manipulators. ", This comes from a friend of mine who spent "the worst two weeks" of his life in jail, courtesy of a snitch: "Don't hang with people who are dishonest or lie, even in small, unimportant things. The lines between "mere" snitches and agents provocateurs are blurring. Acts are what they did. Our helpful attorney notes: "This is a good reason for 'lawyering up' in the first place. You might be terrified of losing your job and being unable to pay your bills. You may gain friends and supporters by openly revealing how the cops treated you and how you ultimately resisted. On the contrary, we advise in the strongest terms possible against them. A confidential informant ("CI") is someone that is typically facing criminal charges and law enforcement convinces the CI to "work off" their criminal charges. Pressure on a family member, fear of jail time, exposure of a dark secret anybody can be turned. Each page should be numbered. Which brings us to: Myth #2: Cops are never allowed to lie to you. Snitches tell lies that send their friends to jail. Snitch Culture: How Citizens are Turned into the Eyes and Ears of the State by Jim Redden, Snitch: Informants, Cooperators, and the Corruption of Justice by Ethan Brown, PART ONE: Recognizing and Avoiding Snitches, FIRST RULE: Learn and practice good security consciousness, Dangerous myths about snitches and undercover agents, What to do if you believe a snitch is personally targeting you, If you believe there's a snitch in your group, Beware of accusing someone who might not be a snitch. This a) puts you on the record as NOT being in bed with the snitch, b) alerts the snitch and his handlers that you're aware of him and are thus less likely to be an 'easy target,' c) creates an appearance that you're not one of the bad guys - since you're not hiding anything, and d) maybe - with a little luck - the snitch ends up in jail himself for some time. They tarnish otherwise legitimate political movements. "A 'snitch' is someone minding other folks' business to find information they can sell for a price or trade for some other form of compensation. [In the bad cop/good cop technique] Officer A will threaten you, your family, your friends, your pets, with severe harm going back nigh unto the 10th generation. What happens if you become a snitch and regret it? These commonsense OpSec (operational security) tips are for any group or any individual whose activities might draw the attention of the state. There's not much you can do about this person. Many otherwise-smart people have been drawn into their traps because they failed to recognize not only the specific techniques listed in the last section but because they failed to understand the psychology of snitchery and entrapment. Oh and don't leave any lines blank. The myth holds that if you say, "Are you a narc?" They just sit back and listen to them reveal secrets. Describe what you felt and endured while being pushed into agreeing to snitch. They'll tell you how it will ruin your parents' reputation. Literally husbands couldn't trust their wives. Don't say anything on the phone you don't want to hear in open court. Let us say that again, just in case you didn't get it the first time: THE POLICE OFFICER IS NOT YOUR FRIEND. When you finish the last entry of the day sign your name. me 30 years ago), I thought I'd share. It happens all too often these days. Good cop always leaves out option #3, you can DENY that you're guilty at all! It's also worth noting: One of the other snitches who helped bring down the Hutaree was a mouthy radio-show host called Hal Turner. What if you agree to do it, then before you actually snitch on anybody, you realize you don't want to, can't, and won't betray other people? You'll know it when they open the door. (The smart people stayed home.) Period. If you agree to snitch on your friends or associates, know in advance that you're going to have a big price to pay. The questions you will face will revolve around you hiding something. Put it out on social media. Stop asking them to be involved in projects. They will toss you aside like a piece of maggoty meat when you no longer serve their purposes. They'll even tell you your dog is ugly. The first speaker comes out (Gatewood Galbraith RIP), and soon some naif sparks up a joint and is immediately arrested by the tie-dyed, long-hair, bearded hippie! With courts allowing more and more acts that would once have been considered illegal entrapment, more and more "mere" snitches are using their wiles to talk people into illegal deeds and are even providing the means and money to carry those deeds out. It's reported that 6ix9ine is considered vulnerable, since he has severe asthma. A 'snitch' and a 'rat' are colloquial terms for criminals who decide to cooperate with law enforcement in order to protect themselves. I would never rat out my friend." Circumstantial is the impressions and anything odd about the situation. noun. We've talked about how to recognize snitches and what you, as an individual, should do to protect yourself. At least not if you're serious about avoiding a long stay in custody. Since events in the episode take place in 2004, Petrille's status as a rat stretches across 23 years. But the fact is, until we've been tested, not one of us really knows what we might do under the right kind of pressure or persuasion. Maybe even as small as a "cell of one.". The surest way to know the Reid Technique is about to be used is the room they put you in after you're arrested. Interrogation rooms are specially designed to make you as uncomfortable and out of your element as possible. (In theory, even an attorney who hates you and everything you do should be able to give you a good defense; but that varies and is definitely not worth the risk. And you must be especially careful that you never put yourself in a position where you can be accused of "lying to law enforcement," since you can go to prison for that even when you're innocent in every other way. Not to mention your family, your freedom, your friends, your job, your savings, and your reputation. If you were arrested as a result of a snitch, and took the advice of being arrested clean, LE has nothing more than the accusations the snitch has made. People who agitate for illegal activities may be snitches; Snitches play on your trust and/or your desire to go along with others. Just say, "I didn't do it," "I'm innocent," "That's false." What if your lawyer advises you to snitch? They'll try to know as much about you as your best friend, and use it to try to be your friend. He used his first Wall Street million to buy a white Ferrari because Don Johnson had one. Again remember: Everything we say about not talking to cops also goes for every, single kind of government agent, local, state, national, or international. any of various long-tailed rodents similar to but larger than a . This makes it a legal document. It's also important to remember that a person who makes a false accusation of snitching is acting like a snitch himself. Years later, archives all over the Internet still tell the story; you can easily find a copy of Black's snitch letter. Sensitive data and membership list should be kept under lock and key. Never leave a copy of a document or list behind (unless you want it found) and take a minute to duplicate an irreplaceable document and keep the duplicate in a safe place. Someone starts agitating to have your group do something outside the group's purposes. How to Handle the Snitch at Trial This guide, by lawyer Jeffrey W. Jensen, is written for defense attorneys. Pennsylvania. FBI informants. What exactly is a snitch? These days, law enforcement at all levels -- from the local cop shop to obscure federal agencies -- uses snitches to trap ordinary people.