See 1x130 from 2:40:55 through 2:41:12. Her response: "Race you to the top.". In order to appease Vokodo, Caleb offered his Amulet of Proof Against Detection and Location. Caleb used a combination of his Scroll of Protection from Aberrations and the Mind Blank spell to remain safe from Lucien in his Neo-Somnovem form. Alive (resurrected) Critter blog keeping track of monster stats, crits, and anything else that can be quantified on Critical Role. When the party proceeded through the tunnel, Caleb carried Essek on his back. Connections Later, Caleb tinkered with the magic-silencing collar from the Happy Fun Ball and learned that the power source it required could likely only be acquired from the ruins of the Age of Arcanum city of Aeor in Eiselcross. They discussed their goals and the possibility of atonement. "Family Gathering" (2x71) Lvl 10 Caleb gave Essek the vial of distilled dunamis that the party found in the Brenatto Apothecary basement. Immediately before graduation, they returned home to Blumenthal, where they each overheard their parents planning treason against the Dwendalian Empire. Although he believed he himself was ruined, he wanted to do something to make up for it. # TRAVIS I do, I have the mariner's breastplate. Their relationship became more strained when the Mighty Nein infiltrated the High Richter's house in Zadash and during the Mighty Nein's time at sea. [art 8], Caleb has blue eyes, a cleft chin, and reddish-brown hair. Essek asked him to demonstrate his magical prowess, and Caleb cast Cat's Ire. Later on, the Mighty Nein came across the Rejuvenation Chamber, within which Essek and Caleb sensed dunamis energy. "Ice and Fire" (2x121) At the beach in Nicodranas, Nott pulled Caleb aside and they talked about whether she should stay with her family. [11], Fan art of Caleb, by Linda Lithn. After Essek left, the party discussed what to do about him. When the Mighty Nein joined the crew of the Squalleater, Caleb took on the role of apprentice navigator. Caleb asked the shop owner if she had any historical romances. Jester has never mentioned romantic feelings towards Caleb, but cares a lot about him platonically. Critical Role Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Caleb and Nott were briefly banned from the Cobalt Soul Archive in Uthodurn after running "Modern Literature" to steal a page from one of the books there. Kipo and the age of Wonderbeasts fanart. 17 Below are the player character stats as they have been most recently updated on the show. "Midnight Espionage" (2x12) Caleb said that he missed the relationship he and Nott shared before they found her husband. After asking her for advice regarding social situations, Yasha listed off a few things that she believed would make people like Caleb more (which he wrote down) and shaved his face with her sword after Caleb mentioned that he missed being cleanly shaven. Caleb recognized that Kiri was a kenku and gave her Frumpkin to comfort her. schetti. Caleb's intelligence is one of the highest for any player character, tied with Percy, Lyra and Lillith. Cause of death Jester sharply asked Essek and Caleb whether they intended to use the T-Dock to travel back in time and change the past, and Essek responded that he would like to return to the chamber with Caleb and "exchange theories". Ads by Longitude. Caleb recognized his former teacher Master Trent Ikithon as one of two flying mages pursuing the Kryn Dynasty infiltrators responsible for the explosion. While on the Wind of Aeons, the party was introduced to the apparently nervous Lord Desran Thain. "Agreements" (2x61) "Clay and Dust" (2x72) Caleb and the rest of the Nein found blueprints in the Golem Workshop for making a golem servant. Caleb Widogast, born Bren Aldric Ermendrud, is a human wizard and a member of the adventuring party known as the Mighty Nein. Caleb Widogast DIGITAL Personal Character Letter critical - Etsy Later, Nott pulled Caleb aside to tell him that she'd noticed something off about Essek. [165] In "Fond Farewells" (2x141), Caleb destroyed the T-dock chamber in Aeor, removing the possibility of time travel for himself and future adventurers. The crest was instead teleported somewhere within the Pearlbow Wilderness. Beau discovered a half-burned spellbook in Siff Duthar's laboratory, which she gave to Caleb. Caleb cornered Fjord in his room, telling him that he knew Fjord had been using a fake accent. Essek said he didnt want to change a thing about his past, since his mistakes had led him to be here with Caleb. Nott fed him the health potion Caleb carried on his belt, saving his life. Caleb told her he was indeed Bren Aldric Ermendrud. DearYouByAster Caleb was present for Molly's death and funeral, eulogizing him by saying "shine bright, circus man." Caleb was stunned when Nott found Luc at Old Edith's and referred to him as her son. They saw Ikithon looking down at them from the top of the stairs, having Counterspelled their attempt to leave. In the fight with the remorhazes, Caleb Polymorphed the badly injured Jester into a wooly mammoth. Passage to floors above the last of the bedchambers was sealed off, though Caleb later passed through when he was alone by muttering "gone but not forgotten" in Zemnian. Lvl 13 [113] Even though Frumpkin's deaths are temporary, Caleb takes it personally when someone other than Nott kills him. In combat with the demon spiders, Caleb was webbed and pulled in by the mother spider. Cute Art. To help her escape, Caleb Polymorphed Beau into a wooly mammoth. However, Caleb seemed to sympathize with Fjord's conflicted feelings finding out that his mentor Vandran turned out to be a different man than Fjord thought he was. Caleb and Nott were eventually thrown out, but they managed to escape getting captured by the Crownsguard. "Worth Fighting For" (2x126) "Campaign 3 Episode 50" (3x50) (stream) 33 (in 835 PD)[4]41 (in "Campaign 3 Episode 50" (3x50)) [106] Caleb knows that Frumpkin prefers to be in cat form, but is willing to change him to other forms when necessary. "The Cathedral" (2x86) Caleb was alarmed when Nott introduced herself as "Bren" to Calianna, before realizing that the choice of pseudonym was pure coincidence. [162] While spending downtime in the Archive of the Cobalt Soul in Zadash, Caleb researched methods of controlling time. Caleb was able to resist when Halas attempted to possess him, and verified that it was really him to the group by saying "Eldritch Blast" in a poor imitation of Fjord's old accent. [87] Nott, however, began unlocking several books which she took, and Caleb stayed with her while urging that they needed to join the others who had already passed through the window to join Fjord.[88]. Privacy. Mighty Nein Character Stats CritRoleStats Later, he gave his Amulet of Proof against Detection and Location to Fjord. Caleb saw Eadwulf at the Vergesson Sanatorium when the Mighty Nein were checking on the Luxon beacon held there. He tirelessly helped Veth find a way to be a halfling again, and was the one who finally transformed her back into her true self. Caleb walked away, and Yasha destroyed the bowl with Magician's Judge. Caleb Widogast Cosplay Scarf - Etsy A charmed Yasha hit him again, knocking him unconscious, and and then hit him again to leave him at two failed death saving throws. [160] Later, Caleb told Luc that he had potential and, in the future, if Luc wanted to learn magic, he should come see Caleb. He escaped and had spent the five years since on the run, protected from location by Empire authorities by his stolen Amulet of Proof against Detection and Location.[69]. Along the way, Caleb and Yasha discussed their difficulty sleeping due to their past traumas. She touched Caleb several times during their conversation and told him she would like to see him again. Caleb was initially suspicious of Twiggy. Later, Jester asked Caleb if he loved Astrid. [art 14], "Whispers of War" (2x18) Caleb Polymorphed into a bat and joined the rest of the party inside the Tumblecarve house. "The Fancy and the Fooled" (2x97) "A Walk to Warmer Welcomes" (2x124) Eadwulf returned the greeting, saying that Bren/Caleb looked good, but remaining impassive. Caleb widogast character sheet April 16, 2019 April 16, 2019/ CritRoleStats With apologies to Jeff Goldblum.Media References(0:00:19) Ashley: It's a wild Ashley at the table! "Dinner with the Devil" (2x110) [163] He also objected vociferously when Beau mentioned this, since he had never mentioned it to her. "Punishment and Politics" (2x87) The party created it using materials found in the workshop, and Caleb bonded to it to become its master. Places Caleb Widogast is a perfect example of how Liam O'Brien explored tragedy in D&DCHECK OUT MASTERSCREEN: NEXT:TTRPG Deep Dives: h. During the fight with the frost salamanders, Caleb Polymorphed into a giant ape. ", "Anybody can make lights. When Gelidon began to escape with Beau, Caleb used Cat's Ire to rescue her from the dragon. on Lorenzo with a Fire Bolt to the head and succeeded on the resulting wisdom save. Caleb asked Nott and Jester about the letter they sent to Astrid. Caleb suggested that all they could do is try to leave something better in the world. AdventurerProfessor of Transmutation at the Soltryce Academy Jester has in turn come to rely on him to provide emotional understanding and support. [138] When the party later pressed Caleb on his dissociation and he pointed out that it was a traumatizing experience, Molly suggested using alcohol to numb the pain.[139]. These abilities disappeared with the eyes after Lucien's final defeat. Caleb has been at it for so long. ", "You were always a better dancer than me, Astrid. As the party entered, Caleb heard the voice of the succubus in his head say, "Light them up, pretty." When Jester attempted to get the Nein more public renown, Caleb disguised himself as- and did a poor impression of- Fjord to go collect her. Alignment Unlike Jester's group and Molly, Caleb was not under house arrest for the duration of the investigation into the events of the carnival thus, he was able to move freely around the town as himself. I want to bend reality to my will. The following day, Caleb cast Fly on himself and Beau, and the pair visited Ludinus Da'leth and Vess DeRogna on the Wind of Aeons. [149] When they reunited at Vurmas Outpost, Essek showed new regret for his actions, and couldnt make eye contact with Caleb at all. [103], After helping Beauregard expose the corruption of the Cerberus Assembly, Caleb visited his parent's gravesite and took out the second book from his coat. Caleb and Beau met with Professor Tuss Waccoh in the Marble Tomes Conservatory. Later, Caleb and the party met Astrid at the beer hall. She questioned them about their motives, as Empire kids, for being in the Kryn Dynasty, but nevertheless gave the Mighty Nein a job clearing an infestation of giants from Deepriver Mine. turn to roll and join Adventure with this Caleb Widogast inspired Collar of charm! Stats This inevitably leads to him being . That evening, Caleb showed the top two floors of his Tower to the rest of the Mighty Nein. [152][153] Some months after Lucien and Trent were defeated, they returned to the Temporal Dock in Aeor. [134], On the ship sailing to the peace negotiations, Fjord apologized to Caleb for holding the sword to his throat during the heist in the High-Richter's home in Zadash, admitting that it came out of his desire to control the situation.