You can develop a strong financial aptitude, and become quick savvy. . Vertex in Capricornwill tell you about your endeavors in life. This results in minor irritations that could eventually develop into big problems such as health or financial concerns. , AND THE SAME FOR YOU, if you happen to have Chiron aspecting your Vertex! In the composite chart, the Vertex can be strong with those you have a fated connection with, often conjunct a composite planet, angle, or Lunar Nodes. SO, grab your birth certificate, or start dialing your momma and aunties! Those articles will help you begin to start picking apart how / where your Vertex interacts with each others, especially if there are other planets, asteroids, or angles involved. Hear it in the first 10-15 mins of the interview and if you know of any other stories that sound like the Destiny Point plays a role, hmu! You may be destined to create stability and security. ), but it miiight sort of feel like you have a parallel processor somewhere in your psyche. But you do need to remember something fated doesnt equal positive and healthy! And once you confirm that this is a Vertex activation, run a little recon. Our personality is not a factor in the process, though our personalities can develop and change with the activation. Shes performed thousands of astrology readings, helped thousands of students learn astrology, has written over a dozen horoscope columns, and over 100 articles for various publications, in addition to creating The Dark Pixie Astrology. Notice which boxes have black lines around them, indicating exact aspects. Also also, check the synastry. Note the zodiac sign on the outer rim of the chart, and confirm the house number between the spokes at center. Note any orange planets hovering by your synastry partners (also orange) Vertex. This timing can be observed in the natal chart as a transit. Type in another persons birth data for Partner B. . Astrology Study, Destinys Gate or Vertex, the Electric Axis. The Vertex person is unconsciously attracted to the Moon person's emotional nature. With the Vertex, the avatars will deliver a message (Mercury) or spotlight a virtue (Sun), dovetailing with what our Vertex describes were fated to develop (by sign, house, + other nearby planets). Youd probably feel thunderstruck by coinciding events if an eclipse strikes your Vertex, like literally, which is how EYE felt. , Likewhen astrologers joke about people taking cover on eclipse days, I thought it was the same as when theyre like, Ruh-roh, Mercurys about to Retrograde! (( said in a Scooby-Doo voice for some reason )), Not actually like, FATE. perpetrated by a desire for pleasure, security or peace (second house). With your astrology Vertex in Libra, this may show youre fated to become an incredible negotiator, mediator, and diplomat. Thx. Related article: Do You Have Empty Houses in Your Birth Chart? IF YOURE CURIOUS ABOUT ECLIPSES SPECIFICALLY use this Astro-Seek calculator, which shows you a 5-year time span for when, where, + what eclipses have struck (or are due to strike) in your birth chart! With your astrology Vertex in Taurus, this may show youre fated to be able to take care of your own needs and revel in your senses. For example, if Saturn is square my Vertex angle, then Saturn development would open the gateway for Vertex-inspired experiences. The Anti-Vertex represents the other half of destinys gate, and can also be activated by transits and other peoples planets. Click calculate, and the next page will list the calendar dates when the planet youve selected has aspected your Vertex! Pop quotes, summaries, and links into a Google Doc, or Pin to your astrology boards, or wherever you like to hold and sift through mind-exploding psycho-spiritual personal data. > Memorize the sign and degree number of your Vertex placement, and use this Astro-Seek calculator to calendar when (+ what) is due to conjunct your Destiny Point! . VERTEX IN LEO > Destiny process themes include play, validation, in finding a muse, unlocking creative potential, and relationships based on appreciation. pop culture happy hour producer anti vertex in 2nd house capricorn You can take care of the emotional needs of others, and have a tender approach. My soul-wound is linked to my destiny. In synastry, the Vertex is considered almost like a part of the Primal Triad (Sun, Moon, Ascendant), and you can see connections with people who have a natal planet conjunct your Vertex or Anti-Vertex. . Your beliefs may also play a role in your fate. If you do have significant Vertex connections in your synastry (like I did with the eclipse barista, mebbe, if the birth chart is accurate), that might explain how that person was highlighted in your fated encounter! Sun/Vertex: Depending on the house location of the Vertex in the natal chart, the Sun person will bring a lesson involving the area of the house it's in. WHAT SHOULD I KNOW ABOUT TRANSITS TO MY ANTI-VERTEX? When activated by transit, progressions, or synastry, the Vertex coincides with major turning points. ), WRITE OUT ITS OPPOSITE POINT > Anti-Vertex in (the opposite sign) in (the opposite house). . Her path to becoming an astrologer started as a teenager, when she picked up an astrology book out of sheer boredom in a bookstore one day, and instantly became hooked. ESSENTIALLY, the Vertex is epiphanous, or revelatory. With your astrology Vertex in Capricorn, this may show youre fated to become the one in charge. Likeyou might be wishing for skills, talents, or gifts you sense rattling around inside, and also feel you cant access, When the Vertex is activated, that access point is unveiled. WHEN YOU HAVE YOUR TRANSIT CHART scan houses 5-8 for VX, and see if there any planets hovering nearby. How did those impressions evolve over time, and due to what circumstances or events? I show you a couple methods for tracking (or looking up) transits to your Vertex below (), and you can learn more about reading a transit chart over here. These connections might tell you if someone is meant to be in your life, and how they support your ultimate destiny. The Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Mars all move quickly and conjunct both 2-4+ times each year, so it may not be a big deal when they conjunct unless it's paired with other transits. The 9th house rules your grandparents, the 5th house rules your children, and the 11th house rules your stepchildren. The Vertex and Anti-Vertex in Synastry; The Astrology of Large Penises; Start with conjunction under the Aspect menu, but you can play around with different aspects. this would mean the anti-vertex is almost always in between the 11th and 2nd houses, all of those houses which are . If youve been looking into spiritual astrology or anything with compatibility, you probably have since thats generally what the Vertex connects to. HINT 2 > Click the hyperlink above the chart itself labelled Aspect tables, and scan the columns labelled Vx. List them one-by-one: THEIR VERTEX (conjunct or side-by-side) MY ASCENDANT AND PLUTO IN SCORPIO / MY FIRST HOUSE (their sixth house). It looks like our plates are quite full this week. In relationship astrology, you may find that you experience what feels like fated connections with people who connect to your natal Vertex. With your astrology Vertex in Pisces, this may show youre fated to become a master of intuition. North Node Capricorn 1st House / South Node Cancer 7th House. What does that planet (or object) signify in your their chart? Do you notice any blue planets, angles, or points nearby? Or maybe he liked my weird attention, but thought Id eat his heart and steal his dog (not unlikely), so he needed to create a very confusing moving boundary to keep me compelled without yielding, and, eventually, the ambiguity just got too stressful. Based on the baristas (hypothetical) birth chart, that same eclipse might have struck within 5 of his Ascendant (positioned @ 14 Gemini on said hypothetical birth chart). NOTE > This is a different chart calculator than, but still totally cool, and will automatically display the Vertex in your chart! Houses 5 and 6 are considered the last of the personal houses, whereas houses 7 and 8 are considered the first of the impersonal houses. , Likeno matter how much you invest into LOA, you might still have to wait out a specific transit, one activating a specific piece of your chart, in order for the destined circumstances to come into play, YAS the Vertex, a.k.a. Creativity may be strong for you, and you can shine when you embrace this part of yourself. . Peek at your Vertex placement (the chart wont display it, so locate it by sign and degree), and see if eclipses have ever factored into your destiny process! The Anti-Vertex, on the other hand, is located in the opposite house of the Vertex (the 11 th, 12 th, 1 st, 2 nd, or 3 rd houses), which relate to personal concerns and our private worlds. Even without knowing the astrology, these are the relationships described as having a destined feeling, where both people feel the other one plays a pivotal, supportive role in helping realize their true potential. ), So my passages through destinys gate apparently coincide with healing opportunities, usually within the arena of my intenseresource / psychological issues, great. Meanwhile, Saturn conjuncts your Vertex once every 30 years, coinciding with some tasks that will crystallize the themes and context of your destiny process, perhaps in the form of a authority figure, or just as likely a reconciling or clearing of old karma complicating your route to ascension. Others can look up to you. Often, the Destiny Point is prominent in the synastry charts of significant relationships. (Or basically, start building your own spreadsheet database! , (*Conjunctions and squares to our Vertex are felt most, the most promising for growth. What were your social media posts? Unless you can see that relationship is an important story line in your Vertex placement, or in your birth chart in general, you might be projecting the destiny inspo away from yourself, which might be what I did with my fateful encounter with the barista (and my ex-husband, who was involved in my previous activation moment). , This post shows you how to start reading your natal chart, learn more about reading a transit chart over here, This post shows you how to get one from, Visit + use the Cafe Astrology Vertex Calculator, From Siddhantikas article all about the Vertex, This CafeAstrology summarizes the Vertex in the signs, this one from CafeAstrology on the same topic, This post can show you a full out tutorial for scoring and reading transit charts, hit up the Astro-Seek Transit Chart Calculator, Here again is that CafeAstrology article summarizing aspects from the planets to Vertex, a list of which planet(s) rule which zodiac signs, when the Gemini Solar Eclipse struck my Vertex on June 10, 2021, this CafeAstrology article displays and explains all the aspects, this one summarizes aspects to the Vertex from other planets, this Labyrinthos article explains all the planets, we tend to project planets in our Seventh House, Soul Points in Synastry: The Vertex Versus the Nodes, Part Two, Soul Points in Synastry: The Vertex Versus the Nodes, Pt. Its not enough to just be in the same zodiac sign (it must be close!). We internalize the experiences of the personal houses, whereas the impersonal houses are largely externalized. VERTEX IN GEMINI > Destiny process themes include personal integration, mental or telepathic connections, and being in like-minded relationships. JUPITER-SATURN TRANSITS TO THE VERTEX > Transits to the Vertex from the Social Planets are much longer lasting, and more formative. Your words may carry a lot of importance. (*Who was also a barista, is this my pattern?? VERTEX IN PISCES > Destiny process themes include mystical healing, surrendering ego-fixations, and spiritual-based relationships. (For me, Partner Bs ASC lands in my Eighth House.). VERTEX IN THE EIGHTH HOUSE > Destined meetings and fateful encounters within committed, enmeshed, or sexual relationships, such as with business, investors, or potential marriage partners, or the relationships we form as a means of consolidating our wealth, skills, and security (anti-vertex in the second house). Fast answers; Mathematics Homework Helper; Obviously, this might get time consuming, especially if you focus on transits from the Sun, Moon, and other swift-transiting planets, but it might still yield fascinating insight! The Inner Wheel, Synastry Q & A: The Vertex. . BECAUSE THE BARISTA AND I SHARE A DOUBLE-WHAMMY OF OUR VERTEX - ASCENDANTS, the fated interaction might be called a catalyzing experience, something meant to shock and awaken me* to the dormant skills and abilities underlying my Vertex placement. Its opposite point is called the Anti-Vertex. When did that happen*? Check this out: How to Uncover Your Perfect Soul Mate With a Synastry Chart Reading. Hello! . Its as if the planets are acting through people, performing functions related to the planet, causing the impact those transits are supposed to have on our charts (learn more about planetary transits here ). NOTE: I mention and link to my post about when my Vertex was struck by an eclipse in 2021, but just FYI, that post hasnt been cleaned up or updated in hella days, but its def on my teux-deux list! Below that, click the light gray hyperlink labelled Extended Settings and check to display aspects for "Vertex.. You can be the one who leads them and inspires them with your actions. She believes astrology is an empowering tool that everyone can use to help themselves.She affectionately calls her followers her pixies, provides daily astro tidbits on, Taurus Love & Compatibility: The Best & Worst Matches, Weekly Astrology Forecast: April 18 24, 2022. Just like when it comes to calculating your birth chart, you will need your full birth date, including your time of birth, as well as the location wherein you were born. Some astrologers claim a Sun transit to your Vertex will coincide with love at first sight, but that might depend on other transits (maybe something also transiting your Venus, and Seventh House?). ALSO, the Eclipse Barista has Uranus () within a 5 orb of his Vertex, both of which are crowding around my Ascendant. (*Like that? Partner As Ascendant will be on the left-hand side, where the Ascendant angle and First House are usually located on a chart. If someone elses planet(s) or angle connects with your Anti-Vertex, evaluate the function of the connection, and compare to your true life experience. . against what you are developing. To start with, the Vertex is linked to fate, specifically fated encounters and events. , BE CAREFUL, because you might invest in the energy or function symbolized by that planet into someone else whos activated your Vertex. Partner As planets + points will be displayed in the vertical column on the left-hand side, while Partner Bs planets + points will be displayed in the horizontal column across the top. And how wonderful we have these sorts of synchronicities to spurn us onward! . Do you notice any orange planets, angles, or points nearby? And with my Chiron so close at hand (), wounding and healing would striate my destiny process, which I suppose ultimately happened (which you can read about at the bottom of my post about Black Moon Lilith in synastry ). Donna Henson, The Vertex Report: Your Personal Destiny. HINT > Here again is that CafeAstrology article summarizing aspects from the planets to Vertex, as well as a list of which planet(s) rule which zodiac signs. While you're fated to develop the sign of the Vertex, help from your Anti-Vertex is just beginning to develop giving you little help from previous development. but, I know, youd have to just be the kind of person who documents such things. You may thrive in relationships and partnerships based on mutual respect, that flow equally both ways, and are interdependent. Your mind can be an asset once you develop your talents and learn how to make use of your natural mental abilities. 'You are my fantasy' Aries/Libra could indicate issues between personal will and sharing, where Taurus/Scorpio may be about security versus risk. The Vertex and anti-Vertex: these are important points of fate like the Moon's nodes. What was the vibe? The west spot is the Vertex while the east spot is the Anti-Vertex. . But this time, that Full Moon is occurring in, Just when you thought Pisces season made for a wild ride, you might have to prepare for something even wilder: Mercury entering Pisces. its like when you can feel someone watching you, except that their perspective is part of you. The Vertex, sometimes called counter-Ascendant, is a fictitious point which is at the intersection of two great circles, the Ecliptic and the great vertical circle (Prime Vertical) in the West . These columns display the exact degree of your Vertex placement (mine is @ 18 Gemini) along with glyphs symbolizing the aspects formed to your Vertex by Partner Bs planets. Whether the influence is good depends on the rest of the synastry and natal charts. But the Vertex is specifically about your destiny process. It doesnt promise anything, except a turning point, a transfiguration of our consciousness. You will find on these pages the celebrity horoscopes having the Vertex in the 12 signs with an interactive chart and excerpts of astrological portrait. The InnerWheel, Soul Points in Synastry: The Vertex Versus the Nodes, Pt. The events and circumstances depend on your chart, and the configuration of transits (or synastry aspects) that helped conspire the trigger moment. (Read more about my Eclipse Moment here, and learn earn more about astrological eclipses over here. , In any case, I super-appreciate all the spooky-cute coincidences* that happened while I was in the cafe trying to extract data, (*ONE MAJ COINCIDENCE > The Vertex / Anti-Vertex comprise the Ascension Axis of our chart and the cafe where mine got eclipse-tripped was called Ascendo! His ASCENDENT (identity threshold) conjunct my CHIRON (soul-wound) conjunct my VERTEX (destiny) in GEMINI (connection). Does there seem to be a commitment or sacrifice in that kind of relationship? FOR HIM, THE ECLIPSE BARISTAS CHART the themes of his destiny process involves intensity (Vertex in Scorpio ), but ascending into a vitality-driven work-life rhythm (his sixth house). Vertex in Capricorn is all about the obligations and responsibilities that come into your life which become heavier as time passes. TO USE IT, plug in your birth data, and select any planet from the dropdown menu labelled Transit. In a synastry chart, youd look for aspects between each others Sun, Moon, Ascendant, Midheaven, Venus or Mars, as well as your Vertex (or anti-Vertex). Your progressed chart can also trigger with progressed planets or house cusps conjunct your natal Vertex, or with your progressed Vertex conjunct one of your natal planets. . My Vertex has been eclipse-tripped before, by the Gemini Solar Eclipse in June 2011, when I consummated a relationship with my coworker*, who eventually fathered my children and became my husband (not in that order ). What text messages did you send? Here are some summaries of the Vertex in the signs and houses to help you out, and links to where you can get more intel! INFLUENCE > How would you articulate or describe the role or influence you each play in others goals, ambitions, or sense of purpose? Solar Return Birthday Astrology Report Rated 4.86 out of 5 $ 15.00. in (the sign) in (the house). When these two individuals are together, they feel like two pieces of a jigsaw puzzle falling into place.