Very sore took 1.5 hrs to go down. (Adrenaline counteracts the effect of the trimix.) Trimix Injections are used as a second-line treatment when oral ED medications dont work. I am 52 and this stuff will works once you get the correct amount I am using 20 units and it will last till my wife saysI give and can't take it anymore. is my hemo and hematocrit crazy high or ??? all the details. Why a combined intracavernosal injection with trimix and oral - PubMed Initially, the dosage will likely be low, which can be increased until the desired effect is achieved. A word of advice is to thoroughly warm up the medication before injecting into the penis. Never freeze Tri Mix (Read the directions), refrigerator, not freezer. They are using anything between 2 1/2 units (0.025ml) 30 units (0.30 ml) of Trimix ( PGE1-Papaverine-Phentolamine 10mcg-12mg-1mg/mL formula). if their response is close to a 3 they remain in the clinic for further monitoring. As the name suggests, trimix includes 3 active ingredients, and as the vial sits in the refrigerator awaiting your next use gravity is constantly at work pulling those ingredients towards the bottom of the vial. If there are truly that small, your urologist might want to put you on a weaker Trimix so the levels you inject are more reasonable volumes ( 0.10-0.50ml.). Since I had little reaction to 15 units, he suggested I go up by 10 units (25) for my trial run with wife. Yes, if your nerves were spared, the use of injections, which stimulate the flow of blood to the penis, may help the recovery of your natural erections. we can have someone call you within 4-12 hours and give you My wife and I can have good intercourse, but I cannot reach a climax. Trimix Injection Dosage Forum Discussion | ED Forum For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. this trial dose is very important. I would just like to pass on my thanks for your blog .I stumbled on it on Google but am reluctant to say what words I used as a strap to Google I found it amusing and informative but better than that, I found it encouraging . I would like to thank the great staff Doctors and my good friend at The Mens Performance Center In Cow Town FT Worth TX. Since The single dose of caverject causes pain, or aching in some, I elected to go straight to Trimix. I tried again, 15 units this time and bang! Trimix Dosage: How Many Units of Trimix Should I Take? - Invigor Medical Then I collapsed. If not roughly whats your copay? Actually, I think the injections do have a positive effect on Viagra. If your dose is 0.2mL you would then place the tip of the syringe in your urethra and push the plunger until it is at 0.4mL on the syringe. Boy, did I need a drink and a Power Bar! They also have their own wiki where they store information for reference. I could imagine if the penis is quite deflated a 1/2" needle might go in too far. Trimix is a prescription medication, and naturally has risks associated with it. I suspect that when you injected and got no results you missed and when you injected and it wouldn't go down you were possibly ingesting a Nitric Oxide booster. You Doubting Thomases can learn a lot from this lucky guy. A unit is specific for each drug, not a standard volume. Mitochondrial Health: A key to Aging & Recovering Well, Blood test results after 6 week clomid therapy from HPTA restart. Trimix is slowly becoming unobtainable because of cost. Thanks everyone for sharing. Sudafed is a known antidote for Trimix, but the pill version is slow acting unless you are taking it for the first time. This adventure of PCa is all over the board and only by sharing our discoveries as patients and families can the whole, holistic, and quality of life story be pieced together. 4. Like I said in my post previously, 50 units was plenty for me, even lasted a bit too long so I tried 45 units and that was good but I will try 40 next time. Erectile Dysfunction Injections: How to, Risks, and Side Effects INJECTION There MUST be 24 hours in between EACH injection. Not deterred, and having to wait almost a month to heal (believe me guys its no fun). Sure, but if you can only have 3 injections a week, and not more than 2 in a row, then what? Trimix is effective for over 80% of the men, regardless of the cause of ED or their age. I only ever injected a single time per episode, but if you did not inject enough with the first injection, as long as you don't inject more than is needed with the second (and you immediately re-inject at a different location), I would not think there should be a bad . what happens if you do more? What Is Trimix? - How To Use Trimix Injection Properly In addition to a host of precautions regarding how frequently to use Trimix, and other medications to avoid while using Trimix (e.g., oral ED medications), most prescribers will discuss an appropriate starting dose, the amount by which patients can increase dosage each time, and an upper limit of how many units of Trimix to take in any single administration. You must have different strength trimix. Click here to sign up, Copyright 1999-2021 Malecare, Inc | All Rights Reserved, If you want to learn more about this subject, I suggest you join the prostate pointers mailing list PC and Intimacy. At 20 units, I had an erection that wouldnt subside after almost 2.5 hours. Because its generally more effective and powerful (and therefore, somewhat riskier), it is reserved as a secondary treatment for ED. Anyway, them came August 13, my birthday,andDH got me a beautiful bouquet of flowers. Sadly I will never drill concrete with my stick, even a bowl of jello is a challenge. Inject 1mg (1mL) of Phenylephrine HCl 0.1% into the penis every 3-5 minutes until detumescence occurs for up to one hour. What's Your Experience? dr recommended .3 of a dose to start after reading all the info here i decided that that dose was to much. Angeline. This is the standard 30-10-1 mix from Empower. Trimix vs bimix: My doctor prescribed - Erectile Dysfunct It WORKS I use 0.4 cc & Doc says I could go up to 0.9 & then, he would suggest a different blend. I too enjoyed the minute by minute story, but didn't we have a similar discussion at GFMPH? There are people in the group who are very knowledgeabe about this subject, although, like me, they are not docs. Yeh, Ill try it, but the needle thing was really my big hang up. the way it is dispensed and patients are told to store it is actually due to an Fill the syringe with air equal to the dose, insert I found a pharmacy in San Antonio, TX, Talon Pharmacy, they cant ship everywhere, but fortunately the can ship to Florida, their prices was the best I could find, $112 including freight for 10 ml, so at my present level I can get 50 injections, u can do the math, but that is is just a tad over $2/ injection. I suggest that you join the group called PC and intimacy. Purchased a needle-free Injex unit for $300. Keep up the fight Leah and get the women involved! This requires prompt medical intervention as it is a medical emergency. Our job is to make that easy and affordable. I tell those that are considering this, there virtually is NO discomfort in the shots compared to the incredible joy it brings us. We conclude that the often recommended starting dose of 20 micrograms. Almost out the door to the hospital numerous times. I dont just stab it in because a fine needle like this often bends and you wind up injecting just below the skin. I was wondering if theres a lot of people that have the same affect. Like most, I kind of sphinctered up at the thought of pressing a needle into my penis. For men, once they realize there are relatively few nerve endings on the shaft of the penis, it is really quite a painless procedure. But in the real world, it can take some time, and many have reported erections that neared priapism. Wait 48 hours before increasing dosage. Right now I am undecided. Here are links to Trimix injection videos. It is NOT without potential complications if used incorrectly. Only issue was getting my erection to go away and I started to panic after 3 and a half hours. I was in the uros office, where I was testing a Tri-Mix injection. That equates to 0.10 to 0.50 ml.. And increasing dose by a half unit at a time sounds ridiculous to me. You are using an out of date browser. Haven't felt confident like that in years. All I can say this works for me but may not work for everyone. What are the short and long term side effects of using trimix/bi-mix? I pay $80 for 11.5ml (Atro 52mcg/ml, Phen 0.9mg/ml, Pap 26mg/ml). if it has not resolved within 2 hrs post injection they are injected with a reversal medication. Wait 48 hours before increasing dosage. What Are TriMix Injections? | Erectile Dysfunction | Olympia Pharmacy aching and gone very bruised. -------Hot & Popular Forum Discussions-------. Trimix is a medication for erectile dysfunction treatments that is intended to be injected locally into the penis. Your exact dose will be determined by your doctor. Also, I wasnt using all of my vials but because it had a shelf life, I would discard it. The name TriMix alludes to the fact that this medication is a mix of three medications frequently used to help improve erectile function. We started with a conservative 0.3 and started to get some real action from 1.0ml up. If I succeed then we wondered would the erection stay hard enough or slip out. though i felt like it had no effect they claimed i had a 90% reaction to the test injection. Wait! And will continue to get erect several. Used 20 units (1/5 ml) got about 35% erection. While we strive to always provide accurate, current, and safe advice in all of our articles and guides, its important to stress that they are no substitute for medical advice from a doctor or healthcare provider. . Anyone used it after a year frozen? It also happens to be my birthday. You can avoid hitting veins and can more accurately pick the shot Location. So, about 4 months post op, my urologist shared with me about Trimix. This is my 4th month.Any suggestions. Leah, Video marketing. First time I tried it with my wife, the was AMAZED and her first words were I can work with this!!. This preparation is dispensed in 5 ml vials. Therefore, the ultimate Trimix injection price for a single injection would be much lower in the latter case than in the former. He's also developed Peyronie's syndrome. Trimix is supplied as a liquid medication in a vial, designed for injection. I took. It took me over a month to get to my full wood dose of .70ml which leaves me with over an hour of full wood. Little Pink Pill AKA Female Viagra, Looking for opinions on recent labs (Clomid), Testosterone explained - British Menopause Society. different side of the penis and perhaps using a smaller dose? You could hear the blood flowing freely, unlike before the injection. Love to have more, but it aint happening for me. I'm really surprised it took me so long to discover it and look forward to using it more often. Freezing of the formulation that I use is no problem. Two years ago, looking for an alternative to Viagra, whose side effects (headache, blocked sinuses, nasty stiff neck, general ill feeling) were increasingly annoying, I discussed the issue with my urologist who recommended TriMix. They range from live demonstrations, to how-to tutorials using animations or props. Still the erection lasted almost 6 hours before relenting. Thought the first time must have hit a vein but second time was sure to miss a vein but still aching heaps. QuadMix Injection for ED | Empower Pharmacy Learn how your comment data is processed. Sadly I can only use my stick for a divining rod. Sex addiction, or compulsive sexual behavior disorder, has been difficult to define. I use .25 and that is good for a couple of ours. Sign up for the free quarterly Advanced Prostate Cancer Newsletter. Attempt 1: 5 units (.05ml) decent erection lasting around a half hour. The reason is.that if you have blood leakage back into your body (a cause of Ed) it keeps the injected Trimix in your penis long enough to relax your muscles to allow blood flow to engorge your member. How many units of Trimix this may be can vary, but is generally below 25 (though we do offer some fairly standard and specific guidelines below). The first step is coming to a class (patient only) that is about 2 hours. Penile injection 101 - how to correctly & optimally inject Trimix see, see, told ya! This is the standard 30-10-1 mix from Empower. Buy Trimix injection online for direct application on the penis makes it frequently more efficient at causing an erection suitable for sex than oral ED therapies. If you had a trip to the ER I would stop the Cialis. Trimix is an erectile dysfunction treatment that is designed for local injection into the penis. Hi all, new guy here to Injection therapy. I want to remain sexually active and have tried ED pumps, gels, and even. This is not working for my husband, he has three bottles frozen and we are not having sex. I went and they did a sonar test to hear my blood flow. Still only keeps semi hard for 30 minutes or so and then another hour just . It may take 2-6 injections to find the dose that causes an erection strong enough for penetration. Slight firming. Reckoned I could have gone for another 1 hour session last week but I'm still learning about. Trimix injection, an erectile dysfunction drug, has repeatedly been demonstrated to be a successful treatment for men whose oral ED medications have not worked. I get about 25 doese for $125, supplies inc. ED for several years now. For many guys, this is a more interesting and approachable option than having awkward in-person conversations with their doctors.