Would you have suggesting for potting soil, container, etc? It will give you about 80 calories. I read your post a lot, but never ask questions because you are very good at explaining that I dont have any questions left after reading your posts. It doesnt seem to have sustained real damage. 2. In 2018 my yard reached 113 two days in a row, and the Reed canopy again had the least damage of all of my avocado trees. It was around 1948 when the seed that produced the original Reed tree germinated on the property of James Reed in Carlsbad in San Diego County, California. 12 in all, of which either the rats, possums or racoons got 8 of them. And in May and June there are more bees and other pollinating insects active and visiting avocado flowers, which leads to increased pollination. This is later than most other avocado varieties, and it is a great advantage in terms of turning flowers into fruit. Good to mix with Hass in guacamole or spread on toast or sandwich as a mayo substitute. I enjoyed your informative essay about the tree. For example, in my post Pruning avocado trees to keep them small I talk about a grove of Reeds that are maintained at eight feet tall. My Sharwil is blooming now (although not as much as Id like!). Check out this link for a complete guide to growing your own avocado tree. However, it is a tall and skinny young tree; about 6 feet tall. The other varieties that bloomed in my yard this spring have been finished flowering for approximately a month already. They can ripen almost overnight, so be sure to check them daily for ripeness. In the early 70s, other San Diego growers started experimenting with the Reed. Thank you for reading ^_^. Shows Promising Antitumor Activity. Should I continue this or go back to wood chips? 1. How long do Reed Avocado trees usually live? As for Reed trees, buy from Four Winds Growers (they ship avocado trees to Texas): https://www.fourwindsgrowers.com/products/reed-avocado. And I know that Maddock in Fallbrook also grows Reed, as does Clausen in Vista. Reed history. Add mulch. As for your Reed, if it is now healthy, then it will likely bloom again this coming spring. It is not a Reed. Wish you a great harvest next summer. On the subject of watering I may have found a useful way to give my newly planted trees what the need. If you thought avocados were limited to the ones in your grocery stores produce section, youre about to have your horizons expanded! Hi. The macronutrient and caloric breakdown of a whole, medium-sized avocado looks like this 1: 240 calories. Add chips on top of the soil and never rake any leaves that drop. Its normal for small fruit to drop. This year, as I write this post on June 28, my Reed is still opening new flowers. It is looking good, too. (I also lost a bumper crop of fruit and the next years bloom in that 18 heat wave of 120 degrees here in Yorba Linda. (Read more on this topic in this post: Heat tolerance of avocado varieties.). The reasons I usually prefer the combination of Hass and Reed are that Hass produces better than Fuerte overall and Reed produces better than Lamb overall, usually. I dont know of anything that will stop these critters from eating avocados, except for keeping them out of the trees or killing them. Its very possible that you dont have a Reed after all, or that the trees rootstock took over and the fruit youre getting is from the rootstock. Once the tree has grown back more leaves, then water more often than you had before it lost them but dont water a lot while the canopy is bare because its the leaves that pull the water up from the soil (youll just rot the roots if you keep the soil under a leafless avocado tree constantly wet). Which disease? The trees appear to be getting enough water are looking very healthy one month in. Hass sets a good crop almost every year and everywhere whereas Fuerte tends to have more off years. (Of the 20 to . Here's . Heres a brief video profile of the Reed variety of avocado tree: My Yard Posts are ad-free and keep coming because of the support of gardeners and farmers like you. Thanks. This usually means September, especially late September, in Southern California. Minneopa Orchards is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. Throughout the year that work was done on the house, we would be gifted with large Reeds plummeting to the ground, they were delicious. You can name the tree however you like because it is one of a kind. Thank your Greg for all the wonderful information regarding avocado trees. Before filling the holes with compost and planting the trees I did something that I have not tried before. Finally, are there better summer varieties than Reed? Harry Brokaw? Should I leave the growth or should I remove them?i took a photo but dont see an option to add it here. It only handles cold about as well as Hass that is to say, Reed gets some leaf damage when the temperature drops a bit below freezing, and it gets twig damage at around 26 degrees. Some were picked too early or fell off for whatever reason. Thanks for your article. And thanks to you, I think theres hope. Pruning your avocado tree and caring for your avocado tree is the only way to ensure long-term growth and production. I love avocados and have a small yard with a lot of sun. Youre welcome! Honestly, I would choose another variety to add based on other characteristics such as the varietys harvest season, fruit quality, and productivity rather than whether its flowering season overlaps well with Reed because Reed seems to need cross-pollination the least of any avocado variety that I know, plus the fact that any variety will contribute somewhat to Reeds yield. Id say youre pretty safe with that combination in Escondido as Fuerte usually produces well there as far as Ive seen. Avocado trees also bounce back from severe pruning, which is essentially what has happened to your tree, as long as theyre protected from sunburn. I liked them so much that I grew a tree from a seed that is now about 10 feet tall. Check kilojoules / calories. Fuerte can be picked earlier than Hass and Lamb can be picked even later than Reed. 1 to 10 of 1000 for reed avocado. Keto-Friendly. Thank you so much. I have kept possums out of a small apple tree through netting the entire canopy, but thats likely impractical for your Reed. We have a Hass for 6 years now about 15 feet tall. Reed would be a good choice if the allotted space is not so wide but can go tall, something like 10 feet wide and 15 feet tall (although you could keep it smaller if you wanted) because of Reeds tendency to grow up more than laterally. Advice please. I know I dont have enough to get me thru our summer. California Avocados are naturally sodium-, sugar- and cholesterol-free. It contains roughly 80 calories, 8 grams of fat, 4 grams of carbohydrates, 250 mg of potassium, and as many as 20 other vitamins and minerals, including 11 mcg of vitamin K, vitamin B6, pantothenic acid, and copper. Cant do anything about that and I like the dogs being here, too. Find calories, carbs, and nutritional contents for Avocado and over 2,000,000 other foods at MyFitnessPal Use mini sprinklers at least the first few years, not drip. Whole ball avocados on a metal plate. I would also be open to something else that would pair well with a haas. Start by refrigerating a loaf pan and a can of full-fat coconut milk overnight. I trust your advice. Any other recommendations? Humans arent the only ones who love avocado trees and the fruit they produce. My brother and sister-in-law make those custom engraved tree signs. That made me very sad. It would flower, then very small fruit would appear and later they would drop off. The skin of a Reed avocado is very shell-like, which makes them very difficult to peel. . The tree is approximately 25ft x 25ft and produces a lot (250+) of avocados. Choquette Avocados. Dont put small trees in giant containers. Gosh I like them all. Where can we find pictures of the flowering progress. Ive had a semi hard Reed and didnt like it, so think Ill wait. I treated the tree in the early spring with a systemic fungicide I found advertised on the internet and the tree has beautiful green leaves and drops yellow ones to the grounda scant single layer each week which I faithfully rake away.It is full of little green fruitlets about the size of figs and so is the ground with some black ones. Theyre rarely perfectly round. This variety is easily distinguishable by its size and shape. But this year the branches cant seem to hold the weight of the fruit. Dont sweat not being able to water the tree through summer and fall with it. Hi Greg, To determine the exact amounts and times of applying fertilizers, monitor the avocado grove, take notes and use a specialist who will perform soil, leaf and water tests. They are one of the larger varieties, averaging above one pound in weight. Hey Greg, I have a Reed tree that will be 4 yrs old this fall. I knew to wait until late summer but was concerned that I have large softball sized fruits now and also newer baby fruit about fingernail sized. Hard to say what is going on there because there are so many possibilities. Reed Avocado. It was first grown on the Lamb Ranch in Ventura County as part of the University of California avocado breeding program. I have picked Reeds from my tree as early as May and found them to taste acceptable, but they dont taste great until deep into summer. Or is a two-plant option fine? But anything in moderation works fine in my experience. Despite dropping the foliage it did flower and set some fruit for the first time. It was chosen for patenting and release to the public in the 1990s in part because the fruit looks a lot like Hass. I have a spot in mind Id really like to plant it, but Im not sure it gets enough light to thrive. Avocados contain large quantities of iron and potassium as well as Vitamin K, C, B5, B6, and E. With all those micronutrients and antioxidants, avocados can boast a number of health claims: They are loaded with Monounsaturated Fatty Acids making them heart healthy. This sets it apart from many other pear-shaped varieties. The closest Ive ever seen Reed avocado trees planted in a commercial grove is five feet apart. The Reed, however, is creamier and less oily than most other avocado varieties. To determine whether or not your avocado is ready to eat, gently apply pressure with your thumb and feel for a slight give. A whole medium avocado contains about 240 calories, 13 grams carbohydrate, 3 grams protein, 22 grams fat (15 grams monounsaturated, 4 grams polyunsaturated, 3 grams saturated), 10 grams fiber, and 11 milligrams sodium. Sugar Content Explained, The Truth About Avocado Causing Stomach Pain, How to Plant Your First Avocado During Quarantine. Id just remove those. So while I had a hugh fruit set all but 5 are left. Its unlikely that youll need to water every day. I read they are a fall harvest. There is more to that story though, and you can read about it in my post, Should you buy a big or small avocado tree?: https://gregalder.com/yardposts/should-you-buy-a-big-or-small-avocado-tree/. Its covered with blooms this year so I have great hopes. I love eating Reeds and grew a bunch from the seeds, but living in Seattle, they are doomed to be potted to survive the winters until I move! They have a reputation as being high in fat, and they are in fact second only to olives in oil content among fruit, but the oil in avocados is high in monounsaturated fatty acids, which is relatively healthy and can actually help lower blood cholesterol levels. Source Of. Best wishes on your productive garden. Its thin green peel contains a. Farmers' Market Box: My Reed pit is producing three sprouts. What you describe doesnt sound like Hass though. The bark seems to be getting thick and chuncks are falling off? Like video? It also has a nuttier, richer, and bolder taste than most avocados. Lucky you! Sometimes avocado is also known as alligator pear. If it doesnt have leaves then you need to protect the bare branches, for sure. All commercial growers that I know of prune their Lambs and Reeds immediately after harvest and once the potential damage from strong summer sun is reduced. Both are round and green varieties. Its normal to have that kind of fruit drop. If the avocado is fully ripe, you should hear a rattling noise when you shake it. One serving of about 1/3 of the fresh fruit contains 50 grams. by Greg Alder | Jun 28, 2019 | Avocados | 158 comments. In fact, its even better in terms of the two having distinct harvest seasons. Anyway thanks for the informative post . Individual branches on a Reed tree will in fact droop horizontally and sometimes weep all the way down to the ground when laden with heavy fruit.