I have both tattoos and piercings, and if you are willing to judge me by those before even talking to me, I dont want to work or know you. He is the best deep threat in NFL and has been waiting to be paid accordingly. If Cam newton goes out and does get them, and his contract gets termed, welcome to the real world. Though, he usually likes to show off his collection of cars that he has deserved. Thats what all you widget owners want, right? Cast a vote below. There are huge differences, to be sure, but the same laws apply. The problem I have with this is that Newton is probably the only player on the panthers that has to abide by these rules. (Ive always made sure my tattoos can be covered up when the need arises). This is no different than someone going to work for a store that required a certain presentation.thats what the owner wants.his team.if Newton doesnt like it, he doesnt have to play! While Cam is not a front office guy he is the CEO on the field. Richardson is entitled to tell Newton to do anything he wants. Please explain how you managed to make this about race, I gotta see this. 27 world championships later, maybe they are onto something. The NBA says the players must wear normal clothes before and after games. Youre right. Its the same deal here. Instead they are becoming more involved in the Global Business that their team is and investing their personal time into the players, employees, and teams. He was up front in the pre-draft interview, when deciding whether to draft Cam. Obviously, it didnt phase Cam who is there to play football. Yeah, I think owners have every right to decide whats important to them in building their brand, including whether their most marketable player has tattoos. However you cant tackle by the shoulder pads and sometimes players get flagged because when they have the hair it LOOKS like the pads. They dont have to work at the establishment. Jerry Richardson has every right to ask that a player not have tats or piercings. I dont have any. I said, Do you have any piercings? He said, No, sir. Furthermore, check yourself in the mirror bro, for the way you embarrassed yourself and your franchise with your handling of preliminary CBA negotiations. Most of them expressed their support for Brady Quinn over Tebow, but not Josh Lucero. No doubt, now that he has moved to play in the Chinese league, Allen Iverson crapped on all of the hard work of Jordan, Bird and Magic. Just as long as it isnt in the form of a threat or ultimatum. But anyway, he is a classy player but we wouldnt be surprised to see him in a tattoo shop. Appearing as guests on PBSs Charlie Rose (thanks for the heads up, SportsBusiness Daily), Cowboys owner Jerry Jones and Panthers owner Jerry Richardson talked about a variety of issues. I hate tattos, that being said, if I were Cams friend, I would be advising him to go out and get some ink, ASAP. Oh my God! Its none of his business. I think theyre stupid looking, but thats just me. 6 of 19 against the bengals. Im not sure why NFL players should be any different. As an owner of a business, I can dictate how I want my business to be presented to the buying public. The candidate and employer were on the same page. Is a tattoo unprofessional? He is one of the few footballers without tattoos as it prohibited in his religion Islam. Cristiano Ronaldo is one of few footballers who do not wear tattoos. Brazilian international David Luiz also said no to having tattoos on his body. Fans may be the lifeblood of the NFL, but theyre going to be there regardless. now with that said, i do agree that a no piercings/tatoos policy can hold up. Lavezzi, as well as being one of the strongest Argentine strikers, is one of the most tattooed football players in the world. The thing is, as the article mentions, it has to be consistant with the business or in this case the franchise. He said, No, sir. Unless Gabbert comes out and says he was told the same thing by Richardson in regards to his appearance, I have a problem with it. Thread starter dolfan313; S Maybe that makes him unattractive to media but he is the best!. Tattoos and piercings are a little different, if theyre covered (or removed), when in uniform, I dont think they shouldnt be an issue. At any job the boss has the right to tell his employee what he can and cant do. if he doesnt want him to have tqtoos or piercings, he has every right to request that. Most employers have some sort of dress code employees must stick to-even our military when it comes to tattoos and piercings. This is absurd! If you had something worth 500 million dollars, would you be worried what any of the posters on PFT thought? if the owner is more concerned with the dress code than whether or not they have that particular talent then thats their problem. A policy has to be written and has to apply uniformly to everyone in similar circumstances. Tattoos are the new mainstream. just because you own a company/team, doesnt mean you can tell your employees to do whatever you want. On the other hand, the fact that THIS was the first thing the owner asked his new player about may show why this franchise has gone downhill so quickly. I have never worked for a company, as an adult, that did not have a visible tattoo policy. The notion that teams would try to make players into non-threatening billboards seems more than a little heavy-handed, even if its done in the name of growing the pie to the benefit of teams and players alike. I said, Do you have any tattoos? Richardson told Rose. As others have pointed out, the Yankees enforce a dress code for their players. So I guess hed pass on Tom Brady because his hair is too long? Richardson owns the team so he can ask whatever he wants. - If Carolina finishes with better than .500 record, their fans wouldnt care if Queequeg was their QB. Cam was hired. No one can reasonably claim that a tattoo on a players butt affects his appearance. If he wants to cut all the players on the panthers with tattoos or piercings than he can tell Cam not to have any. Richardson, who said that Newton was dressed perfectly for their meeting, was blunt. Sure, they are drafted by a team and therefore obligated to play for them or else harm their chances of playing anywhere at all, but they are not shackled to the deck and forced to scrub the floors. Jerry Richardson has every right to ask that a player not have tats or piercings. Hell, even the military is getting picking about where they want their Marines, soldiers, airmen or sailors to get tats. The bottom line is the man is saying that right now I dont want you to leave this franchise and we will all benefit from it. Sleeve Football Tattoos 5. Im a banker. Umm I think hes paid to play be the face of the franchise and be a mentor to people..with that being said u can have tattoos and still be that..tattoos dont determine the kind of person you arelet JR frown about it I bet if he does get them and have good yrs doing his rookie contract he will get an new contract regardless..sometimes employees dont see eye to eye with there bosses anyway. (Peppers) And I think by all accounts hes a model citizen but thats just me. Youd think a guy walking around with donated organs pumping through him would not be concerned with such trivial issues. WebWe assumed 100 players (entries) for this tournament. I dont think so. Too funny..All you knuckleheads comparing your company policy on tattoos to the NFL is as flawed as the NFLPA being compared to the UAW. The poll results are sad. Take Donald Driver for examplehe wears two big earrings and it looks like (from a quick google image search) he has some tattoos on his arms. Even Cam Newton is winning football games, him being tatted up will have nothing to do with it. I am the biggest Panthers fan and Cam Newtons most staunch supporter(and he needs it in Charlotte), since his first game against Clemson last year. Its his team so he can do so. Big Cat Richardson said he was aggressive in FREE AGENCY- Ha, signed NO ONE NEW-ran off Julius Peppers whom Chicago loves and traded for Gregg Olson which is not a free agency signing To dictate what a person can do is ok if you dont sell and make your HUGE PROFITS from Grease filled Bonjangles doublely fried chicken & Hardees Big Fat burgers which is cloggin up arteries in the south causing heart attacks & OBEeSITY- And he basically didnt get crap for his hardass stand in the CBA Cam Newton must be thinkin your players suck and no wonder this team sucks- he is smoke and mirrors- what he gonna say when they go 1-15? He held up a photo of Steve Smith and said, Yeah, basically just dont be like this., Just take a look around the league If owners seriously considered only signing players who looked like choir boys they wouldnt even be able to field a team. If the boss tells you to do something, you do it, or you risk losing your job. I wondered how I would have felt if one of my back surgeons showed up in his scrubs with arms full of tattoos and lips, nose, cheeks and ears pierced. I suppose the argument here though is he isolated Cam when others on the Panthers have tatts. Just for the record, most old people prefer young people to not have any piercings, tattoos, or ridiculous hair. and no rap music. If the bank guaranteed me 22 million bucks in exchange for not mutilating my body, im pretty sure im gonna take that deal. Its America and both can do what they want in this country. Jerry, do you care more about winning football games or playing house? Some employers even take it a step furtherMy partner is a firefighter, and she had to sign a morals clause as part of her employment contract with the city. This is funny. The decision to hire "police tattoo experts" to examine NFL players is not only racist, but a really stupid idea, every way you consider it. Blanco hit eight homers for the Diamondbacks in just 37 games played last season. if the owner is paying the face of a franchise millions and he does not want his franchise player haveing tatoos or pierceing that is cool to me.i worked as a waiter and i had to take my pierceings out and cover my tatoos when i was at work,because i was a represenitive of the restarunt.so if the owner of a million dollar company does not want you to have tats or pierceing than you should not have them. Side Football Tattoos 8. NOW that is FUNNY. If you do not like your employers grooming policy you can seek out one that better suits your style. That is fine. That being said I have for along time felt that there is a reason you dont see very many successful QBs with tattoos. This mentality is being shoved down all of americas work force as Unions are being forced out. WebHe was charged with RESISTING AN OFFICER WITHOUT VIOLENCE. You can. I think he is a control freak with some serious anger issues. Jerry Richardson is becoming the East Coast Al Davis Please explain to me why it would be so crazy for ownership to enforce something like this. If my QB is spending any time under the needle for a superficial piece of body art instead of studying film or learning every positions responisibility on every single play than he is mismanaging his responsibilities as a professional and I wouldnt trust him as the leader of my franchise. Yesterday, team management made a pitch to the South Florida media in hopes of convincing local governments to subsidize $250 million in. Players have to cover tattoos and be well groomed. This is no different than someone going to work for a store that required a certain presentation.thats what the owner wants.his team.if Newton doesnt like it, he doesnt have to play! Itd be racist if he said it to all black players which he didnt. The fact is, in todays game, corporate money is where its at. No surprises. owners of a business dont actively seek out 1 person, they set a standard that all applicants have to adhere to. Who Will Win The Premier League Golden Boot For The 2021/22 Season? There are 31 other that might want to employ me, so its your choice sir! Its the voice of reason in an age where the game is getting out of control of the owners. Patriots kicker says he will remove tattoo associated with far-right militia group. some families are probably turning off pro sports right now, just because of this explosion of tats in the last 15 years.). This was a PRE-DRAFT interview. Joel Embiid. Id be grouchy too if i was in my 70s. Richardson is just helping Cam be an entertainer and an icon.. to middle aged white people, just like himself. LMAO @ mrmilstead, havent seen a comment that good in a while. It would be one thing if he had a hardline policy where he refused to draft any players who had tatts or piercings. Thats just fact. How some of you idiots turned this into a race/slavery issue is beyond me. Salman Chaudhary If an employee dont like it, they can find another employer. my 80+ yr old great uncle has a tat that says mom on his arm, does that make him a bad person? Thigh Football Tattoos 11. I have no issue with an employer enforcing a dress code, theyre paying you to be at work. It is really a little on the stupid side. that some of you morons mentioned. Sounds negotiable to me. there are TONS of reasons people get the tats they do. Tattoo or not. Russell Westbrook 10. McDonalds can tell me pretty much the same thing. Or says something stupid. Super Bowl bound Beckham is said to have as many as 86 pieces of art on his body with all different meanings. I guess he would turn down the new Tom Brady? I dont really like JR but it doesnt sound like he told Newton he isnt allowed to get tattoos or piercings, he was just letting him know he would prefer he doesnt. Someone tell Jerry no whiskey and well see how he likes that. D@amn right he can dictate as he chooses. On the other hand, if it doesnt interfere with your job function, its not in the bosss interest to lose talented employees because of the personal choices they make. I find nothing as silly as when people try to compare playing in the NFL to a regular job. These should be implied when you are put in place to be the Face!. Guy lost his mind, your paying him for his play, not to tell him what to wear.& way go Raiders!!! Its not like this is new. Chris Paul. At least hopefully Cam will show better judgement than Pryor and avoid getting any tattoos on his throwing arm in the 24 hours leading up to a game, that habit really hurt Pryors consistency. I just wanna know why you cant tackle some fool by his hair if hes going to wear it hanging out so far. ************************************************** however, picking and choosing who can and cant have these piercings/tatoos is discrimination and can open up a door to issues, potential discrimination law suits. Now, if he gets all tatted and pierced up like Dennis Rodman, his options will be fewer. Seriously though, were talking about grown men who have families of their own yet Richardson wants to treat them like children. This is the NFL. Making a tournament bracket template in Microsoft Word If you use Microsoft Word version 2010 to 2013, you can create a tournament bracket template by drawing the text boxes as well as the connecting lines. Ronaldo is a great player on and off the pitch and has opted to help humanity. The Hip Hop culture cost the NBA a lot of money. And to those who say there is no place that would fire an employee over tattoos and such I can name several Two are family entertainment venues namely Walt Disney who has strict policies against and Universal Entertainment. No long hair, no facial hair, etc, and no one has a problem with that. You are watching the sterilization of this country happening right before your eyesand I notice that most of you respondersare already touting the corporate linelike good lemmings do. Your poll question says telling players which is a problem. This is pretty standard. updated March 23, 2022, 7:35 am There are very few that can pull off reasonable tattoos, and none that can pull off piercings. -. Where is the option for Yes, but players dont have to follow it. Iniesta played for Barcelona for 22 years. Pittsburgh, New England and New York are thought to have the best onwership and those rules dont exist. I actually dont mind this and agree with the sentiment. The players in the 2013 NFL Draft Class have no shortage of impressive tattoos. im not sure why the first reaction to all these stories where the league seeks to impose some sort of standard on its players has to be negative. 1 draft pick, Jerry Richardson to Cam Newton: No tattoos, no piercings, Report: Derek Carr wants $35 million per year, The Raiders are the betting favorites to land Aaron Rodgers, Mike McCarthy: Kellen Moore wants to light the scoreboard up, I want to run the damn ball, ESPN reiterates report that Lamar Jackson wants a fully-guaranteed deal, Arrest warrant issued for Jalen Carter for reckless driving, racing, Aaron Rodgers says hell make a decision soon enough, Competition Committee begins to explore the quarterback push play, Players say Chiefs discourage them from reporting injuries, have NFLs worst training staff, Bryce Young is just over 5-10 and 204 pounds. The guys is paying him millions of dollars to be the face of his franchise. - But for every Mike Vick their are even more JaMarcus Russells, Vince Youngs, and Terrelle Pryors. so if tom brady went out this offseason and got tatted up then got piercings all over his body, the pats wouldnt want him??? I dont have any. I said, We want to keep it that way. . Why does a Man feel the need to wear an earring anyway?? In this country we have the freedom to make bad decisions. Tattoos have become more prominent across the league (and in sports in general) in its more recent history, though not all football stars have made smart ink choices. Such is life. And such is life! He doesnt seem to have any issues with the request so Im not sure its even a problem. The only issue is: a) Whether the team is willing to enforce the code to everyone fairly. Call it what you want. The New York Yankees have similar policies with being clean and neat looking. A guy who has size, strength and perfectly merges RB talent and elite passing skills. It also seems to say more than we own your services and borders on we own you. The reason could be that he is still too young for tattoos on his body. I for one do not mind a boss/owner being allowed to dictate to his employees what they can or can not wear, decorate, etc Cam was drafted and signed a contract with the team to play in Carolina. I dont see what the big deal is. put it in a contract with a lot of zeros attached, otherwise shut up! The reason he does not wear any tattoos is that his father has not allowed him to wear. But I would think, that if I am him, there will be another contract and I would not want to make the owner mad by defying him. I dont have tattoos or any piercings, and I would like to keep it that way. You could go a lot of different ways with a tattoo featuring The Greek Freak as its headline, but the Milwaukee Bucks 2. In saying that Cam is up for it and he will be great, it is just going to take some time. These JR backers are really excited about being model employees and doing what your boss says. There are enough teams that dont care about tattoos and piercings that I dont think that will be Newtons issue, assuming he has the make-up to live up to his athletic talent. Operation Sports Forums > Football > Madden NFL Football > Madden Will work with any roster or draft class but doesn't have tattoos for any player without face scan. Ike Diogu 7. My employer has a policy of no visible tattoos. The society is beginning to infiltrate the entertainment that is conducive to a family visit to the stadium. July 31, 2013. The people doing the interview told him they didnt want any men representing their company wearing earrings or any other body piercings. He thought he had the right to demand to be allowed to represent the company his way; problem is, it wasnt his company. Every person (not just NFL player) should have the right to look, speak, and portray themselve the way they feel comfortable. No offense, but my workplace has a dress code that states no visible tattoos and no piercings on men. Nikola Jokic. But I do not like that this subconcious thought of Cam doing these things even seeped into Richardsons brain. I believe they both come from religious families. From hair length, to facial hair, and most certainly tattoos (can you imagine a big professional law or accounting firm having a employee with tattoos and piercings all over their bodies?). He doesnt care about Shockeys appearance b/c Shockey isnt on sportscenter on a daily basis wearing a panthers jersey. You think you can go into a big firm and score a high paying job while sporting tatoos and peircings? Most fans will still come, even if they think the player is not a role model. I guess I can see the owners point as the face of the franchise but man it sure sounds pretty old school. WebSome famous people who have a tattoo include Michael Jordan, Paul Stanley (of WWE fame), Sylvester Stallone, and Marilyn Monroe. He didnt draft the guy and then say theses things. He grew up during WWII for crying out loud. Its one thing to ask fans to spend a thousand bucks on season tickets; its another thing entirely to convince a corporation to spend a quarter-million dollars on a luxury box for one season, or millions of dollars for high-profile advertising space. That said, I like what Richardson has said and agree with his right to say it. Tattoos have received a negative connotation in recent years, going as far as the NFL might hire police experts to study players tattoos, according to an article published by CBS . im not a supporter of owner meddling in his employees personal time. In a recent interview on "The Charlie Rose Show", Jerry Richardson recounted a conversation he had with Cam Newton on April 4 in which he asked Newton if he had any tattoos or piercings. That being said, most businesses have dress codes for their employees. That could be construed to be a health and safety issue, particularly in a contact sport. However, the players that chose to go there generally are free agents and choose to acquiesce to that rule. Speaking about his likes and dislikes, the Egyptian king said: I dont have tattoos, I dont change hairstyles, I dont know how to dance. I think the owner has the right but I dont see how it helps your team win games. If a potential employee doesnt agree with itthat is fine. He strongly recommended it stay the way it is. my issue is this: sure companies can dictate how you show up and act at work, i get that. The Liverpool star has decided not to wear any tattoos. Im not sure why NFL players should be any different. is. owner doesnt equal king of the world. The Senegalese star devoted himself completely to football and does not care about fancy stuff. . 3. but when its their time (ie: off the clock), they let the arms show. There are 31 other that might want to employ me, so its your choice sir! I could go on with many more examples, but hopefully even your ignorant and mean- spirited brain can understand. Either way, there is nothing JR can do if Newton goes and gets a dozen tattoos and piercings tomorrow. He will not fine or discipline him, but what it will do is strain the relationship between the two. I always laugh at people who think that their boss cant dictate how they dress, look, etc. And uh, I am a Raider fan. French international NGolo Kante remains a humble human being despite his recent successes. And I dont want you hanging around that no-good tyrone or that shank shaquanda!. I have several tats that are in memory of loved ones who have diedas well as several others that have special meaning. That being said if Newton is going to be the face of the franchise the Panthers have the right to tell him the image they want him to portray. You have to love the way that Americans are being conditioned; dont let Government tell you anything, but do everything that your boss tells you. If he is quoted correctly there was no ultimatim, so there should be no issue. The only superstar duo without tattoos is Embiid and Simmonds. . Its his team so he can do so. Not a member? He seems like an all around great guy. Richardson: Oh yea, by the way no white girls either Cam. And thats why theyre the Panthers. A company that owns the right to tattoos on NBA players is suing the makers of "NBA2K" for graphically representing those tattoos on NBA players without his permission. Whether he wanted to get a tattoo or not he should have stood his ground and said respectfully sir, I dont have any tattoos or piercings, but I alone will decide if I do or I dont. That may hold true for fans. If this is Richardsons policy, why isnt the whole team held to this standard? And, with that change, youre right. 1. Also look to the military, sure soldiers, sailors, and airmen get tats, but if they are visible like on the face or hands they are subject to article 15 under the USMJ destruction or harm to Government Property like the individual who could be reduced in rank and subject to discharge. We can pretend were past this as a society, but unfortunately were not. There is a difference between this is our policy and, do you have any tattos? Man I usually HATE when the race card is played but this sure walks a fine line. Kante is the only chelsea players without tattoos in our list. In any job, you have to understand and be prepared to deal with the bosss personality quirks and pet peeves. Its not about race or slavery or any of that other B.S. Arm Football Tattoos 4. Cam can choose to bag groceries instead of get paid 30 mil to play a game. Carolina expects its players to look nice. He is one of the few footballers without tattoos. In many cases, people use tattoos/piercings as a form of self-expression. People are giving examples of how things are in the workplace for non-professional athletesbecause (some of) these athletes are often out of touch with the reality of their fans lives. 22 million or needles in my nose and ears? Cowboys rookie receiver Ryan Switzer wasn't allowed to get a tattoo, so he covertly got one done on the inside of his lower lip. Anyone whos worked in the real world knows this isnt uncommon. At least Cam knows how he can get out of Carolina if he wants. Jason Thompson 9. The New York Yankees do the same thing with all of their players. Pogba is Thanks for clearing that up, Jerry! Next in the list is the Egyptian King known as Mo Salah. Also, I doubt paying customers will care about any of that assuming TDs are being put on the board. From a business stand point Mr. Richardson is well within his rights to make that request. Cam can choose to bag groceries instead of get paid 30 mil to play a game.