Author: Stella Hargrove Rating: R Harry will do anything in his power to change that. Rating: R Warnings: threesome, double penetration Warnings: crack!fic, OOC Ron moans and grabs Harry's head, leaning down and sloppily making out with him. Warnings: AU, OOC,mpreg Harry is patient with everybody. Warnings: dark!fic, AU Rating: NC-17 Author: aisling Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Severys, Harry/Peter, Harry/Others Un-betaed. Author: Sapphire_Saxe_Cobalt Warnings: bondage, toys Summary: They think I love them, and that I dont know their affection is conditional. Summary: Harry feels both worry and anticipation as he waits for him. Summary: No summary provided. Summary: This takes place the same night as Body Language and Educational Lover. Summary: Harry Potter AU, story is set inside tigerblaks Club Requiem series. Pairings: Harry/Ginny, Harry/Lucius Author: shamelessnameless Author: shadowdweller25 Summary: A Dictionary Drabble based on the word rudiment. This blog do not endorse any specific themes listed below, and is not responsible for offended sensibilities. Summary: Weakness makes fine cowards, yes, but it also makes brave heroes. Summary: The wizarding world fell to Lord Voldemort in the fall of 1980. Author: MidnightEmber Harry/Lucius - Tripod Summary: The great sorcerer Lucius Malfoy leaves his hapless, but very charming, apprentice to his own devices, for just a little while. Rating: NC-17 Author: Furorscribiendi Summary: After the War, Lucius finds himself employed by Nott the elder as a Caller. Balanced on the Swords Edge* Rating: NC-17 Rating: R Summary: Rather than kill him, Voldemort hid Harrys existence from the world and raised him as a pet. Rating: R Summary: Part of the Beloved Enemies Harry/Lucius Fuh-Q-Fest: 43. Summary: Lucius fantasy serves him well. A Different Fate* Lucius thinks this is the perfect opportunity to teach Harry a lesson. A Sons Wish Rating: NC-17 His whole life is about to change course, and Lucius Malfoy gets a second chance to love. Pairings: Draco/Harry, Lucius/Draco, Severus/Harry, Lucius/Severus/Draco/Harry A Fragile Thing Author: IBegToDreamAndDiffer What happens when both are drugged and embedded in a devious plot? I Put A Spell On You Summary: Harry finds himself on the losing side of a battle with Lucius Malfoy, and Lucius claims his reward. Warnings: AU, mpreg, creature fic Rating: R Cost of Guilt* Pairings: Lucius/Harry, Lucius/Draco/Harry, Draco/Harry/Blaise Sequel: So Much For Discretion Rating: NC-17 He was patient. Summer Fun Author: Juxian Tang Rating: NC-17 Lucius had to return to England and try to dissolve their strong bond. Summary: After one year of service, Harry Potter is about to earn a place for himself. This Year Devoted*, sequel to Surrender* Gifts of Day and Night* Summary: Harry is getting married to Draco, but fate decides that it is not meant to happen. Author: B2J Author: Sestra_Prior Shows what happens to the trios lives after their world has been trashed. Rating: R Warnings: non con Rating: NC-17 Fourteen years later, Harrys rescued. Author:IamSlytherin Deadly Temptations Slashcity | Czech translation | Chinese translation | Russian translation. Rating: NC-17 Author: amanuensis However, the company he finds turns out to be more familiar than he thought. Warnings: non con, threesome, incest, violence, mentions of child abuse Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Voldemort, Harry/Others Warnings: non con, incest, prostitution, underage, dub con Rating: R Author: auntbijou The pleasure is not enhanced, and the inconvenience is often considerable. Taste Of Innocence Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Snape, Harry/Draco, Harry/Other Summary: Lucius Malfoy is missing only one piece in his most prized collection. Warnings: BDSM Author: cravache Rating: R Very stream of consciousness. Were going to need someone who knows how to find those signs, someone who can find the way.. In an effort to find some peace she helps him escape his fame, but will he enjoy it? Rating: R Yours Lust for Power Secrets Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Severus, Lucius/Narcissa Pairings: Harry/Charlie, Harry/Snape, Harry/Lucius, Harry/Draco Summary:Whats the most important thing to him? His image. Well then, he likes his image and I dont care for mine, so this should work.. A Wizard Without His Wand Is A Supremely Wet Wizard Summary:After careful plotting and manipulations, Harry finally got what he wanted. Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Draco Summary:The war is won, the Dark Lord defeated but at what cost? Summary: Harry has everyone fooled except Lucius Malfoy. Pairings: Harry/Lucius/Severus Freefall Summary: The Final Battle is here, and Harry stands on the brink of damnation. Willful Hearts, sequel to Contractual Obligations Harry Potter must live with someone after a the war is over. *~In the original masterlist (last updated in 2011) Disobedience is listed as written by Veritas/moltensulfur. Rating: R Warnings: mpreg Rating: NC-17 Danger! Jealousy Summary: Remember Harrys List? Lucius does, and adds a few places of his own. Summary:Classic Canon Challenge. Father. The fiction and artwork posted on this blog are based on characters and situations created and owned by J. K. Rowling, various publishers including but not limited to Bloomsbury Books, Scho-lastic Books and Raincoast Books, and Warner Bros., Inc. Summary: Lucius offers to keep Harry warm. Summary: After his name comes out of the Goblet of Fire, Magic ensures Harry meets the age requirement. Summary: Harry Potter dropped into the Clue!verse. Rating: M Warnings: incest Rating: R The past and a warning from Narcissa lead them to their club where they remeet an intriguing wizard who may be exactly what they need. Rating: PG-13 Summary: After trying events involving the Dursleys, Lucius finds Harry standing out in the rain and goes to comfort him. The Proper Father Perfection Stricken: The Principles of Lust* So he buys a prisoner. The Slow Unintended Seduction of Lucius Malfoy Warnings: darkfic, dub con, crossdressing, Snape!centric Rating: NC-17 Warnings: non con, violence, multiple partners . Artworks, comic sketches and story illustrations for The Orchard of Shattered Dreams. Potter would be his. Author: keikokin Warnings: non con, violence, torture, bloodplay, use of acid Author: Evandar Warnings: implied past mpreg Warnings: mpreg, established character marriage and death, EWE, AU, OC children Dear Lucius Author: Sapphira_Ruby Has Harry lost everything or will the unlikely ally of Severus Snape help him do more than just survive? Author: DeadlyElegance Even if that child does not come from Cygnus Black. True Lusts Mate Rating: NC-17 Rating:M AO3. Harry felt so lucky to be his. Author: Stardind Warnings: mpreg Summary:Lucius comes home to Harry putting the finishing touches to Voldemorts Victory Day cake, and decides to kiss the chef. Author: Nimori Rating: NC-17 Rating: NC-17 Summary: Harrys daughter-in-law has a strange family tradition. Harry watches the man he loves from afar, always knowing the ending and feeling happier for it. Sequel: Not So Speechless After All Summary: Happy birthday to me, sang a sweet voice nearby. Harry Potter and the Secret of Nature* Rating: NC-17 Summary: Harry sits in the dark. A Road Less Traveled By Author: Titti Rating: NC-17 Warnings: multiple partners, threesomes, crossdressing, Learning to Dance Summary: After a mix up with their orders, Harry and Lucius have to share one carriage, something that is not taken lightly by either one. Foretaste Warnings: multiple partners, crossover AU, horror/supernatural I Remember Rating:R In The Malfoy Name Summary: Amber will play with white in Luciuss hair, and he will breathe and breathe in his faint perfume scent. Pairings: Harry/Lucius/Severus Rating: NC-17 Summary: Harry is approached by Lucius Malfoy just as he settles into his new and more relaxing work at the ministry; it leads to somewhat promising results. Summary:Voldemort has taken Lucius Malfoy as his lover, what happens when teasing and one Harry Potter get involved? Author: selfproclaimed_princess Summary: I warned you to spell your door closed, Potter. Warnings: BDSM, daddy kink, established relationship The Foreboding Taste Warnings: non con, slavery, toys, AU AO3**| FFN | Chinese translation | Czech translation, Black Satin Author: wishwords (ruhgozler) Author: amanuensis& srichard Warnings: mpreg Author: Veritas (moltensulfur) Given Up to Sun Lady in Red Uncertainty* Add some snow. Blank Space: You Belong With Me Redux during his 7th year of Hogwarts, Harry gets an idea, a horrible terrible idea, and Idea that would surly keep him from sitting for weeks.A fanfiction in which Harry Potter writes down all the people he wants to beat his ass and finds a way to get them too. Author: Lolly Rating: NC-17 Warnings: violence, implied rape, Snape!bashing, Dumbledore!bashing 261K 7.9K 27. Deaths Season Rating:M Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Voldemort Something Amusing? Rating: R Vicious Circles Summary: Harry is a Djinn. and live with the consequences. Author: bananacosmicgirl Warnings: mpreg Author: Pukefaceblacklol Warnings: power dynamics Warnings: fem!Harry, het Author: Deirdra Rating: R Offering, sequel to Surrender Lucius has a special Halloween present for Harry. Author:MarauderNextGen Borrowed Feathers Rating: R A Dance of Snakes and Seduction* Rating: PG Author: keikokin Warnings: non con Author: Speedy Tomato Author:Jendra Rating: NC-17 Warnings: polyamory Author: Minxie Snippets from an old idea. Feel For You* Summary: Lucius wants to make his love known publicly, but he doesnt think it would go over so well. AU written pre-OotP. Author: keikokin Runaway Mate Author: SirLaggalot Rating: NC-17 It wasnt until Harry discovered he was pregnant did things start to become complicated. Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Severus Rating: NC-17 Author:Sphirex Much To Discuss* Author: Amorette A Matter of Trust Summary: Theres an inspection going on at Hogwarts, and the students are all in a tizzy. Summary: Whumptober 2021 Prompt 1: All Trussed Up and Still Nowhere to Go. Author: Fabi_Gabi Warnings: light bondage, breathplay Summary:Lucius enjoys his reward after Voldemort won the war. Summary: Harry has had enough of waiting for Lucius to make a move, during one of Dracos parties he slips away to find the missing Malfoy Lord, and makes it more than clear what he wants. Warnings: dub con, incest, BDSM, drug addiction Alone With the Dark A Vision Rating: R Summary: Lucius receives a visitor. Author: lostinthought Warnings: OOC Sequel: Reunion Held In Darkness* Author: LadyCulebra/skellywag Lucius knows something about the Death Chamber / Veil, and Harry will do (almost) anything to get the information. Warnings: character death, suicide What happens when that person is seventeen year old Harry Potter? Warnings: non con Author: Lomonaaeren Warnings: AU, OOC, crack!fic It wouldnt be as bad if that boy wasnt Harry Potterand it would be almost ok if when he closed his eyes he could picture Harry screaming in pleasureand not agony. Warnings: underage, darkfic, slavery, dubcon, torture, bloodsports, breath play, D/s, AU and one somewhat evil surprise. Summary: Faced with a new magical inheritance, Harry Potters life has just taken a sudden turn. Rating: NC-17 Author: Sestra_Prior Hitman In Love Author: amanuensis Rating: NC-17 My Bloody Love* The more time Lucius spends around Potter, the more he falls for the boy. No Desert* Rating: NC-17 Rating: NC-17 Rating: NC-17 Summary: Draco watches Lucius and Harry, but does not realise what he is seeing until it is too late. Summary: Harry wasnt sure who to ask, all he new was that he new what he wanted, he just wasnt sure how to get it or if it was even possible. Summary: No strings. Rating: NC-17 Summary: There are more Dark wizards than just Lord Voldemort. Apollos Lovers Author: dracos_slut12 Touch Defiles Rating: NC-17 Warnings: non con, drag Naked in an unlocked room, like a two-Knut whore waiting for a patron?. Summary: It has been 19 years since the war ended, the youngest of his sons are starting Hogwarts, and he is about to break free of the shackles that have chained him. Summary: Draco is interested in Harry and invites him to the Manor but Harry is interested in Lucius. Summary:The Light has lost the war and Harry is captured by Voldemort. Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Draco Rating: NC-17 Rating: NC-17 Author: Lomonaaeren Because Harry Potter was afraid. Author: Crickett_89 Summary: There are days where Harry wishes he never left his cupboard. Summary: Hes got a family now, hes told. He seems to be in great pain! But Malfoy is taking an unusually long time to find his mate. Human* Every Flavour Beans* Summary: Harry Potter is Voldemorts private property much to Lucius consternation. Rating: M Summary: Harry knows Lucius loves him. Through song of course! Pairings: Harry/Lucius/Tom Riddle, Harry/Severus Author: goseaward Ita Nosco Author: scarletscarlet/ships_harry C is for Chocolate Therefore, its most unfortunate that the future father-in-law tries to interfere. Warnings: character death implied LMHP and DMHP. Summary: No summary provided. Warnings: threesome, OOC Pale Shelter Summary: Draco has two Veela after him, one of which is Harry Potter. Rating: NC-17 Author: Juxian Tang Rating: NC-17 Potential to be disturbing. Lord Black has every right to have the marriage dissolved if no child is conceived. Author: keikokin Summary: Lucius Malfoy was extremely happy that the war was finally over, his manipulative wife was dead and the mark was fading, however his soul was not complete. Rating: NC-17 The Adventures of the Sex God Savior Chapter 1: Part One, a harry Both are predators of a sort. Rating: Not provided Warnings: mpreg And Lucius must deal with Lord Voldemort and his ire while his own life heads towards very shaky ground. Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Severus, Lucius/Harry/Severus Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Draco, Lucius/Draco Warnings: slavery, dark!fic Summary:Harry always knew he might have to sacrifice his life to defeat Voldemort but he thought that meant death. Author:astheblackrosewilts Mind Games* Insert one Harry Potter. AS: Part I, Part II, Part III, Part IV, Part V, Part VI. School Daze Author: luciusmistress Rating: NC-17 Author:Horrornatrix Rating: R Summary: Harry finds his attitudes to life changing after the fall of Voldemort, and his friends arent the only ones to notice. Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Severus, Harry/Other Rating: NC-17 12 Days of Christmas* Author: Ravyn Summary: Lucius Malfoy has woken up to a cold bed, all on his own, for that Harry Potter must pay the consequences. Warnings: darkfic, manipulation Summary: The Muggle world is a cold and unfriendly place to a wizard used to the finer things in life. Warnings: threesome, incest After much searching she finally discovers a possible cure. Rating: R Author: leela_cat Rating: NC-17 Warnings: violence, dubcon, darkfic Unwelcome at first, that is. Warnings: sadism, masochism, various kinks and fetishes, D/s Warnings: creature!fic, Djinn!Harry, mpreg, non con, underage Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Snape Warnings: character death, OOC Do they have enough time, or is slipping away already? Sequel to Well Always Have Stockholm. Rating: R Rating: R Rating: NC-17 Warnings: AU Rating: NC-17 Warnings: underage, mpreg, OOC Warnings: character death, torture, dark!fic Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Severus, Lucius/Narcissa, Harry/Other Warnings: enslavement Summary: Harry likes to play mind games with people, the more dangerous the better. So There, part of the So-There series Summary:When Harry gets free from Azkaban, he finds Dumbledore dead, Snape insane, Remus a wolf, and Lucius Malfoy framed for a murder. If Harry Potter is to be Lord Black he has to marry a Black. Private Contention, part 2 of the Obedience and Instruction series Author: RileyLFinn Warnings: non con, AU Rating: R I Am Willing* Rating: PG Inventive Incentive Warnings: character death Warnings: blood and violence Author: leni_jess Author: Sela Master Rating: NC-17 Author: Shuna How will he cope? And yes, yet again. Rating: NC-17 Warnings: incest, mpreg Love and Death With far-reaching consequences! Summary:Harry is going through a hard time with his boyfriend. Author: bratschy Except young Harry, whos drifting more towards annoyance, because hes just received a letter asking him to a private meeting with someone on the board of governors. Warnings: mpreg Author:Lomonaaeren Summary: A male Veela. Summary: Challange by Vincent Ayuru Ekholm, An abused damaged boy finds the ability to escape his life by shape changing. Pale* Summary: The day of reckoning has arrived. Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Lucius/Fenrir, Lucius/Others A Test of Loyalties Summary: Blaise disobeyed his Master. Pairings: Harry/Draco (mainly), implied Harry/Lucius Restraint A Harry Potter meets his best friend's father the summer before his second year. A soul-mate is something Heiress Harriet Potter never dared to imagine for herself; not even in her wildest fantasies of the future. Author: Captain Rachel Smith Author: Speedy Tomato Warnings: mpreg, character bashing, AU Author: gmth Sequel: Running Battle Spinning Off Course* Warnings: mpreg, creature!fic, mentions of abuse Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Snape, Harry/Sirius Theres nothing you can do, and youve got precious little left to bargain with.. Author: enoby_w Read the warnings that are inside. Summary:Narcissa runs off with some boy, and Lucius finds himself growing lonely. Author: DemonYazuha Author: suziesu74 Summary: Harry gets a lesson in what love looks like. When the new Minister is eviler than Voldemort, will Harry remain a saint in dark times, or will he follow the advice of John Milton and reign in Hell, rather than serve in Heaven? (Anonymous). Having to completely rely on Lucius and translation charms aplenty in his meeting with the disgraced former French Minister, Harry is struck with the realisation of his ineptitude. Completing the Collection Summary: Harry and Lucius have a secret relationship. Summary: One day. Author: TheSiner Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Draco, Harry/Snape/Voldemort, Others/Others Warnings: bond!fic, kink Rating: NC-17 Rating: NC-17 Free Fall* Rating: NC-17 Rating: NC-17 Rating: M When he finally dies, he wakes up in his ten year old body, a year before his Hogwarts letter is to arrive. At Your Mercy Lonely Souls He has a plan to make things right again, but he ends up going a little further than planned. Summary:Harry Potter, known to himself as 00H, gets kicked out of Potions by an angry Professor Snape and spends the evening on an adventure in Hogsmeade. One Last Kiss Was he still, after five years, the blondes enemy? After being invited to a mysterious get together at Malfoy Manor, Harry learns that not everything is the same as he believed. Summary: Harry and Lucius are happy in their Veela relationship, and although Draco is happy that his father is happy, he only wishes that he couldve had a better partner. On the eve of battle, Harry and Lucius, troubled by their shared and separate pasts, seek solace. Rating: NC-17 Summary: Harry and Draco have been going steady for a while now, but Harry has a secret. Summary: In a rapidly modernising world, Lucius has become an antique. Punishing Potter* Wilderness Author: keikokin You will be begging me for more and hating yourself for it. Lucius said, before kissing Harry roughly. Rating: NC-17 Rating: NC-17 Disserviced Gold, part 1 of Larry snippets Summary: Lucius is on the hunt. But this time he wakes naked, on silk sheets, and wearing iron cuffs. Now he needs Dracos help. Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Draco Author: Twisted Mind Summary: Harry and Hayley are twins. Author:Sigil Dagger Post-war. What Remains Is Nothing Like Author: Sapphira_Ruby Severus and Lucius take great pleasure in doing just that. Rating: R Rating: NC-17 Author: Annika von Rammstein Harry promises to attend Luciuss funeral. Dark Angels, Wooing* Warnings: mild BDSM, threesome and foursome, crossdressing Unexpected Encounter Author: knightmare Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Draco Pairings: Harry/Lucius/Severus, Lucius/Severus, Severus/Harry Im not calling him father, Father!,part 1 of the Im not calling him father, Father! series Author: keikokin Rating: PG-13 Obliviate Warnings: felching No one could remember the waythe maze is hugeso there have to be clues, signs to guide someone through, but I dont know what they are, or even how to look for them. An uninvited guest. Warnings: dub con Rating: PG-13 When that lover shows up, will Harry be willing to take them back? Rating: NC-17 Summary: Harry and Lucius share their Christmas together at Particular, an isolated Malfoy house deep in a silver wilderness. A Bittersweet Aftertaste Warnings: AU, possibly OOC Warnings: heavy BDSM (caning, orgasm denial, figging, collaring and more), D/s, public sex Rating: NC-17 Summary: Harry reminds Lucius that he is still Harrys man, You always win where Im concerned Carte Blanche, sequel to Green Lights Mercy* Warnings: bonding, fluff, probably OOC Tension Claiming Summary: Harry smoothed down the frilly, layered skirt of his costume nervously, fidgeting with the apron at his waist continuously. Author: amanuensis Descent into the Debauchery of Darkness* Warnings: mpreg It Just Happened! Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Severus, Harry/Draco Author: brenantrim (Seeker) Before long Lucius notices, he is in love with that young dark-haired man he seduced only for pleasure. Author: Nephir Summary: Harrys tumultuous childhood catches up to him. Rating: NC-17 Unexpected Things Rating: NC-17 Whore 3 AO3**| FFN Summary: Ask a Malfoy a direct question, and you just might get a very direct answer. Rating: PG-13 Summary: After the defeat of the Light, Lord Voldemort gives an injured Harry Potter to Lucius Malfoy as a pet. Summary: On the 8th day of Christmas I give you . Warnings: minor character death, underage Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Draco Author: Slashpervert and Aveeno baby Repetition Summary: Immediately after the events in Dark Angels, Wooing which you must read first for this to make sense, Harry feels compelled to do what his heart tells him to. Letters Rating: NC-17 Rating:M Summary: When Harry loses his memory, Lucius supplies a new set. Author: EntreNous Author: Twisted Savior Author: Random Dispatcher Just a Little Game Rating: NC-17 Author: Keppiehed Summary: This is Dudleys story about how his cousin found true love (and some of his friends along the way). Rating: R When the 17 year old Harry grows tired of keeping up his appearance of being the Golden Boy of Gryffindor with hatred for Slytherins, he shows everyone just who the real Harry is. Author: elfflame Summary: Happy Birthday, Lucius Malfoy. Rating: NC-17 Warnings: threesome, mpreg, character death Summary: Voldemort is dead, but Lucius loves his new master. When want you want is a really big ask, Harry potter knows what he wants* Rating: NC-17 Rating: NC-17 Pairings: Harry/Draco, Harry/Lucius(/Voldemort), Harry/Others Rating: NC-17 (Dixiebell). Rating: NC-17 Rating: NC-17 Body and Mind* Rating: NC-17 Warnings: character death, mentions of incest And Lucius must deal with Lord Voldemort and his ire while his own life heads towards very shaky ground. Seeing Red Rating: NC-17 Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Voldemort Rating: R NC-17 Aftermath My Eyes Shall Never Wander Author: pissedoffeskimo Author: underlucius Author: Jedi_Knight_Willa Warnings: non con Summary: No summary provided. But the personal cost is high and they then have to learn to cope with physical and emotional wounds that may never heal. Running Battle, sequel to Battlefield Warnings: mpreg, AU Rating: R Rating: R Warnings: character death, darkfic Author: Maggie All Unexpected Summary: The Boy-Who-Lived has never been laidcontrary to popular opinion! Summary: A caged bird will sing, if only to save his spirit. He thinks. Summary: Harry has been writing love letters to Lucius for years Hedwig has become old and senile and she delivers the letters. Summary: In fifth year Harry becomes part phoenix, thanks to Dracos malice. Author: Faeline But, no matter how much she had clinged to the idea of them as a child, she is soon faced with the realisation that these men are not saviours hell, they serve the man that killed her parents. Two Accidents Are Better Than One Summary: The T.A.R.D.I.S lands on top of a Fracture in Time, a gap that allows four very different Harry Potter Universes a brief period of interaction. Warnings: non con, violence, underage, threesome, body modification, forced pregnancy Rating: R Summary: Harry has been keeping a secret from the school which is about to be revealed. Rating: NC-17 Rating: NC-17 Now two years later, hes directionless and alone. Rating: NC-17 Author: imera Raindrops Warnings: mpreg, character death Rating: NC-17 Warnings: D/s From Darkness Emerges The Teacher Leads, and the Student Follows Hell Is For Children Summary: When hed left the Manor five years earlier, Harry hadnt planned to return. Warnings: multiple partners, BDSM, non con Pairings: Harry/Lucius (implied Harry/Draco) Rating: R Warnings: AU, non con, BDSM, incest, character death Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Draco Author: Rose Creighton You have a lot to pay for, boy.. Summary: Fed up and realizing that he will never be left alone or allowed to lead the life he wants, Harry leaves the Wizarding World. Ghosts of the Past The Gift of Sight Author: Lydia2600 Summary: When Sirius is declared innocent, his Will names Harry as his Heir, but Fudge finds a clause in Sirius will that even Sirius didnt know about. Center Stage* Warnings: threesome, OOC Summary:Harry finally manages to win Draco back. Rating: PG-13 Umbridge is still at large, and Hermione has learned who the Boss is, but at a price. Rating: M Summary: Harry and Dracos wedding day. Rating: R Summary: Lucius needs an alibi after Voldie bites the dust. Rating: NC-17 The Storm How Our Choices Define Us Author: Kadira Small Price To Pay Their Own Fairy Tale: One Year Later a Christmas Short Warnings: abuse, non con, violence Rating: R What I Would Give, part of the So-There series Author: IGotTiredOfWaiting Warnings: minor character death Rating: R Summary: Conversational snippets, revolving around Harry, Lucius, Severus and Dracoover the course of several months. Summary: Harrys captured by Voldemort and finds help in an unexpected quarter. Author: knightmare Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Other Summary: At the end of the TriWizard Tournament Harry decides it is time to rise again.