2001 5,260 It was founded and is still chaired by Mathew (Mat) Staver, who also serves as director of the Liberty Center for Law and Policy at Liberty University, and provides legal assistance with regard to religious liberty, abortion and the family.. The Biblical family is predicated on Gods created order and His dominion mandate for men and women to be fruitful and multiply and to steward the earth. , The Bible clearly teaches about these abnormalities. Wrote journalist David Corn, for The Nation magazine, in 1991. 2006 30,823 2011 32,300 2007 275,053 Their blood guiltiness is upon them., The document also makes the strange argument, Not only is homosexuality and same sex marriage voided by God in His Word, but Biology as well condemns homosexuality and same sex marriage: One cannot be a homosexual evolutionist., (see: http://capmin.org/site/resources/bible-studies/5-28-12.html). DNA co-founder Darrow Miller is on the Summit Ministries Worldview Academy faculty list. Gothard insisted that divorce be prohibited under any and all circumstances so, the deal, potentially very lucrative for both parties, fell apart. 2001 21,000 While Bahatis religious affiliation has been characterized as traditional Anglican, the Truro Church is anything but. Up until the death of its founder D. James Kennedy, Coral Ridge Ministries served as a leading force for Christian dominionism in America. At the Glenn Eyrie conference, speakers outlined an evolving, multilayer strategy to combat LGBT rights. First of all thank you for your confidence. Henry Orombi, former Archbishop of the Church of Uganda, served as Chancellor of Uganda Christian University from 2004-1012. Sponsored children are selected by the sponsors from lists provided by the ministry, and two-way communication is encouraged between the sponsored child and the sponsor. 2005 1,000 The telephone number is (800) 336-7676. The counseling ministry is a good fit for the AIM International Services Department, which also provides bush flights, freight shipping and clearing, a guest- house, financial services, etc. 2009 156,920 As reported in Kenyan media (see: http://www.standardmedia.co.ke/mobile/?articleID=2000168074&story_title=DP+William+Ruto%3A+homosexuals+have+no+place+in+Kenya ) on July 6, 2015 Ruto declared, in a speech at the Ziwani Church, The other day you heard that in America the court has ruled about homosexuality but in this country we will defend what is right and what our faith states., Ruto continued, God did not create man and woman for a man to come and marry another man. 2007 5,000 Also attending were Dr. Judith Reisman, who promotes and endorses Scott Livelys book The Pink Swastika, Dr. Paul Cameron of the Family Research Institute, and Peter LaBarbera, now head of Americans For Truth About Homosexuality, who in 2014 formed a new anti-gay group with Lively (see: http://www.christiannewswire.com/news/2214073680.html). The Villars Consultation was in fact a sub-project in a much wider and more ambitious Ahmanson/Fieldstead project that ran from the 1980s into the early 1990s: the sponsorship of the TURNING POINT Christian Worldview series, a whole line of books (over a dozen) which analyzed and critiqued various contemporary policy issues through a Christian Reconstructionism-informed analytic lens. The main initiative of the Howard Center has been the World Congress of Families, a global initiative which has brought together family values-oriented social conservatives, both secular and religious, from different religious traditions, and across Christian denominational divides. After the invasion revealed that Iraqi strongman Saddam Hussein had not possessed the alleged WMDs, an April 21, 2004 E&PCC op-ed from Weigel (Iraq and Just War, Revisited) simply reiterated the accusation and heaped on the charge of alleged (and widely considered specious) Iraqi ties to the sponsorship of terrorism. The familial relationship has both helped to establish New Apostolic Reformation leader Silvoso as a superstar in the firmament of international right-wing evangelism, and also tapped Silvoso into the avante-gaurd of evolving missions strategy: Silvosos career began as a member of the Luis Palau Evangelistic Association ministry team. 2009 -193,765 The sponsorship model was launched in 1953 and the organization officially became Compassion International in 1963. Promise Keepers founder Bill McCartney, who helped build the University of Colorado football team into a powerhouse on the college football circuit, has called homosexuality an abomination of Almighty God and called gay people curable. Mission America Coalition Over the years we have counseled thousands of men and women and continue to provide on-going services to over 100 people monthly. 2003 1,000 The children Compassion serves receive, among other things: the opportunity to hear the gospel and learn about Jesus; regular Christian training; educational opportunities and help; health care, hygiene training and supplementary food if necessary; a caring and safe Christian environment to grow in self-confidence and social skills; personal attention, guidance and love. Focus on The Family currently provides three publications concerning the issue of homosexuality. [26] Compassion refused to do so as it would be a misuse of funds entrusted to them by donors all around the world. Oyet, Lwere, Mitala, and Janet Museveni have all played major roles in Ugandas ongoing anti-gay crusade. 2012 0, Family Life EIN 95-6006173 Through CBN offices in more than 20 countries, local Christians are equipped to produce quality media, provide discipleship, and facilitate humanitarian relief in their regions. (see: http://www.cbn.com/partners/about/our-ministries/project-globalreach.aspx), 2001 12,000 6. Disciple Nations Alliance 2005 10,800 Not at all! Like the Christian And Missionary Alliance, as it has grown and developed AIM has quietly drifted towards beliefs and practices associated with the New Apostolic Reformation movement and its outlier movements in charismatic evangelicalism, as well as towards the wider church growth movement from which many of the key NAR ideas and practices emerged. You can also get information about your child's community and child development center from the My Sponsorships page in My Account. 2013 329,100, Teen Challenge (see section on Assemblies of God. (see: https://web.archive.org/web/20070724230345/http://marriagecomission.com/partners/?&page=1). Javascript is required on this website, please Enable Javascript in your browser, Christian Child Sponsorship - Compassion - Child Charity Organization. 2006 233,900 Job specializations: Nursing. The WCF has played a significant role in encouraging anti-LGBT legislation in Russia and Eastern Europe. Fosters institute promotes a Christian nationalist version of American history. Adadevohs International Leadership Foundation website ( note: Adadevohs ILF is to be distinguished from another, more prominent US-based entity with the same name http://http://www.ileader.org ) currently advertises upcoming ILF seminars to be hld in the African nations of Burundi, Ethiopia, Kenya, Ghana, Zimbabwe, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Cameroon, Nigeria, and South Africa. 2010 49,800 The International Foundation 2002 26,500 Writes Hammond, The Summit students and staff became the largest supporters of Frontline Fellowship, and the main sponsors of Bibles and film evangelism equipment for Sudan. 2003 20,000 2008 22,500 2002 17,500 Oyets address was listed as a Post Office Box in Lilburn, GA where Revival Prayer Institute head Fred Hartley IIIs Lilburn Alliance church is located. 2012 200 The result is a gender confusion never experienced at such a wide level in the history of the world. One of the most flamboyantly anti-gay groups on the Christian Right, AFTAH is classified by the Southern Poverty Law Center as an anti-LGBT hate group. In early 2015, leading up the oral arguments before the U.S. Supreme Court concerning the constitutionality of same-sex marriage, the Liberty Counsel organized a Defend Marriage Pledge, who signatories wanted to warn the Court not to cross the redline of natural marriage (see: http://www.lc.org/index.cfm?PID=14102&AlertID=1917 ), 2004 15,000 political freedom. Full Time, Part Time position. 2011 58,000 Nothing could be further from the truth. I think its, probably its like $150,000 bucks, and he needs 70 or 80 [more]. The existence of gay demons is taken for granted within Andersons oeuvre (note: Anderson sits on the board of advisers of Mastering Life Ministries, which is run by ex-gay leader David Kyle Foster. 2011 33,900 2003 5,000 2008 6,000 Alliance Defense Fund / Alliance Defending Freedom Regeneration is billed as one of the oldest ex-gay ministries. Since its founding in 1982, the NCF has given out over $5 billion in grant money, and over 2.5$ billion of that went out in a five year period, from 2009-2013. One alleged Mercy Ministries former client testifies, I was judged right from the start because of my sexuality and they continually told me that was wrong and I shouldnt have those thoughts. 2008 56,150 Many leaders funded by the National Christian foundation and who are associated with The Gathering (including Wess Stafford and Rick Warren) have evinced sentiments very similar to Doug Coes, admiration of the dedication of the followers of Hitler, Lenin, and Mao. In an interview for Marvin Olaskys World magazine, in the June 14, 2014 issue, Palau told Olasky that Our openly gay mayor would now say, Nobody has helped the city of Portland more than the evangelical community. His understanding of what Christians are like has totally turned around. (see: http://www.worldmag.com/2014/05/pioneering_palaus), The initiative was launched in 2008, described in an in-depth 2009 story in Willamette Week, as a five-month volunteer effort by 26,000 Portland parishioners, logging more than 100,000 hours refurbishing 50 school campuses, giving haircuts to the homeless and donating 45,000 pounds of canned goods to food banks.. Founded in 1952, Compassion partners with more than 8,000 local. 2009 144,500 2002 5,000 The problem, according to Eldredge, is an emasculating overemphasis on manners: Where are all the real men? is regular fare for talk shows and new books. Bauer served as President of the Family Research Council from 1988-1999. Bethel Redding is one of the strongholds of the fast-growing New Apostolic Reformation movement and promotes the doctrine that believers can wield all of the miraculous powers described in the New Testament book of Acts as having been demonstrated by Jesus apostles following his death. Headed by longtime ex-gay leader David Kyle Foster, Mastering Life Ministries (MLM) is currently producing (as its main organizational project) the Pure Passion video series which features videos of ex-gay leaders, and alleged experts who purport to describe long-discredited cures for same-sex attraction. Because of the unique, unusual role the Iowa caucuses play in the American election primary system, the Iowa Family Policy Center wields great influence over Republican presidential hopefuls. MLM comes with high-level endorsements; its board of directors includes no less than C. Peter Wagner, one of the most important and influential leaders of the New Apostolic Reformation movement whose apostles and prophets have been in the forefront of anti-LGBT rights activism from the United States to Uganda, Burundi, Nigeria, and Kenya, to Russia. 2002 1,647 2003 1,000 This substantial increase in NCF funding to Becket presents strong evidence for the central role played by both NCF and the Alliance Defending Freedom (NCFs heaviest funded legal organization, which received $11,341,187 from NCF in 2013) in the Hobby Lobby case and the dozens of similar cases across American that ADF argued and supported in the lead-up to the Hobby Lobby decision including the Conestoga Woods v. Sebelius case that was folded into the Hobby Lobby case. to orphans living on the streets of South Korea during the Korean War, Compassion has At The Gathering 1997, under the auspices of Howard Ahmansons Fieldstead Institute, Ahmansons private unincorporated funding vehicle, one current and one former (Herb Schlossberg) Fieldstead program director gave a presentation outlining a master strategy for combating organized homosexuality. Tjey are pain-management coping mechanisms. Food For The Hungry 1. Hurricanes Wilma and Rita also each brought judgment on cities that were about to host major gay eventsKey West and Cancunthus seriously curtailing the celebration of gay acceptance. Two weeks after Bahati tabled the Anti Homosexuality Bill (activated it within the legislative process of Ugandas parliament), from October 31 to November 1, 2009 College of Prayer International President Fred Hartley III led the first COP teaching module in Uganda, for COP Ugandan Parliament members including David Bahati and Nsaba Buturo, Ugandas head of the Office Of Ethics and Integrity. 2009 1,600 Suggested Approaches for Integrating Inclusive Development Across the Program Cycle and in Mission Operations, 2014 LGBT Vision for Action Policy Implementation Assessment, Memorandum on Advancing the Human Rights of LGBTQI People Around the World. Privacy Statement and Conditions of Use 2011 5,100 2002 179,000 2006 5,500 The Alliance Defending Freedom was launched in 1994 with a conference call co-hosted by Campus Crusade For Christ founder Bill Bright, who in turn was an inner-sanctum member of the Washington D.C. network known as The Fellowship (long headed by Douglas Coe.) 2006 90,500 In the interview, Doug Phillips also called for a return to Biblical patriarchythe loving and sacrificial leadership of families by fathers, men who lead their families with godliness and vision. Doug Phillips was perhaps the most prominent leader in the Quiverfull movement (see: http://quiverfull.wordpress.com/about/) that encourages women to submit to male authority, leave their jobs, and return to the task of bearing as many children as possible. The most common ethnicity at Compassion International is White (63%). 2003 0 2011 5,000 I was not free. 2006 1,346,868 2005 392,170 Typically viewed as marginal, the movement has nonetheless gained widespread ideological traction through its promotion of a libertarian vision for radically shrinking government a vision that is not inherently theocratic but nonetheless advances the Reconstructionist political agenda, which foresees churches and local government moving into the void created as federal and state government are radically pared down. While National Christian Foundation direct funding of CFCV has been modest, heavy NCF funding has flowed, indirectly, to CFCV through the Alliance Defense Fund/Alliance Defending Freedom. I enjoyed going to Compassion center regularly. 2002 20,300 Bring Biblical solutions to contemporary social problems 2010 48,712 2002 114,125 2007 1,390,833 2005 50,000 Though strenuous efforts to allow the citizens of Massachusetts to vote on the definition of marriage have failed for now, MFI is dedicated to restoring marriage to its natural definition. 2011 3,172,300 2012 2,800 Christ, who broke the power of sin and death by His own death and resurrection.. CFBM&W is a Southern Baptist Convention-affiliated initiative to defend traditional sex roles. Violence, discrimination, stigma, and criminalization negatively impact the lives of millions of LGBTQI+ people around the world and contribute to poverty and social instability. 2005 0 And you noticed the qualification to the extent we can control our public image. 2013 12,050, Ethics and Public Policy Center (EIN 52-1162185), The Ethics and Public Policy Center advertises itself as dedicated to applying the Judeo-Christian moral tradition to critical issues of public policy. 2010 850,892 Basic Page - U.S. Agency for International Development We condemn homosexuality because it is written in this holy book the Bible tells us, according to Leviticus, chapter 18, verse 22, You shall not lie with a man as a man lies with a woman. Fidelis Center For Law and Policy 2005 7,400 2011 8,500 These factors limit their rights and access to essential services such as education, employment, and health care, and pervasive discrimination and exclusion prevent meaningful inclusion in broader development efforts. 2012 0. Packer, who is widely regarded as one of the leading theologians in North American Protestant conservative evangelicalism. Langa was also featured at a 2010 Transform World conference in Ethiopia. We have it both in English and Spanish. See Wydick, Glewwe & Rutledge (2013), Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability, ONG "Compassion international": Soutenir 22 000 enfants dfavoriss, Aprs 20 ans, Compassion International roriente son programme de formation en leadership, 45 ans auprs des plus vulnrables d'Hati, Compassion International seeking donations to support ongoing relief in Haiti, "Two Million Now Registered in Ministry's Child Development Program", "Ratings and Metrics: Compassion International at", "Want to Change the World? All rights reserved. 2009 5,285,042 Compassion International 2008 521,098 2010 65,000 2006 58,200 A third MLM board member of is British evangelist Peter Horrobin, one of the worlds leading experts, among Protestant charismatic Christians, in the practice of exorcism. 2004 0 2002 6,600 Compassion strives to protect children from all forms of abuse. And just like Darrell and Denise's encouraging letters did for Kennedy, a sponsor's love brings hope to a child that will last a lifetime. The need to reaffirm the Biblical support for the family as the basic social and economic unit and its right to own and control property, and to stand against any ideology that would diminish the familys proper role in any of these areas. Portland Fellowship (EIN 93-0958183) In a 2005 interview, seminal architect of the religious right and new right Paul Weyrich stated that the Council for National Policy was an organization that, in the words of Rich DeVos, brings together the doers with the donors. (see: http://www.q-and-a.org/Transcript/?ProgramID=1016). One of the adjunct faculty of WLI has been Julius Oyet, who claims to have co-authored Ugandas Anti Homosexuality Bill. However, once children graduate from the program and the sponsorship relationship comes to a close, the letters stop. Click here to create an account if you live outside of the USA. 2001 4,000 2012 10,065,276 We offer pre-planned group sponsor trips and unique custom visits. Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod affirms traditional stance on LGBT Ugandan Julius Oyet, one of the co-authors of the Uganda Anti Homosexuality Bill has spoken at Enlows Daystar Church and Enlow has been a speaker along with Oyet at conferences organized by his church member Os Hillman (himself a recipient of National Christian Foundation funding). As stated by President Biden in his February 2021 Memorandum, All human beings should be treated with respect and dignity and should be able to live without fear no matter who they are or whom they love. USAID is committed to advancing the human rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and intersex (LGBTQI+) people around the world and meaningfully including them in development programming. 2005 15,900 I want to let you know that I am also a sponsor of one little girl from the same slum I grew up in. Compassion's criteria for opening a new country include: Compassion is distinct from other organizations because we are: On June 1, 2016, Charity Navigator introduced a revised method of calculation for the charities they review. 2001 6,250 He doesnt even have a secretary and hes making these big changes. 2013 500 (Regeneration Inc), Revival Prayer Institute, Inc. (EIN 58-2559217). The legal organizations supported by ADF (most of which are also funded by the National Christian Foundation) represent most of the anti-reproductive rights and anti-LGBT rights legal activism in America and are now playing, as well, a major role in mounting international efforts to restrict LGBT rights. Bickle has preached that Apostle Paul preached that In the last days the homosexual agenda will become so intense that, before the Lord returns, marriage will be outlawed in various parts of the earth and stated that the gay marriage agenda is rooted in the depths of Hell. In 2009, during his visit to Uganda for an anti-homosexuality conference, Scott Lively gave a special presentation at the Watoto Church. Also participating was Hugh O. Maclellan of the Maclellan Foundation one of the most important funders of the NCF and an attendee at The Gathering. Writes ILCO, Hobby Lobby and some forty other corporations in the case oppose the acts requirement for employers to expand health coverage to include contraceptives linked to early abortions., According to Political Research Associates Senior Fellow Frederick Clarkson, a decision in favor of Hobby Lobby and its co-plaintiffs could result in an historically unprecedented expansion of religious freedom rights to corporations that would allow exemptions from existing federal and state law based simply on viewpoints or religious belief. We are an army of salvation, they chorused. The Lord knows that sexually twisted people will rape the animals. 2011 142,500 2004 0 Founded in 1952, Compassion International is a Christian child sponsorship organization dedicated to the long-term development of children living in poverty around the world. 2009 1,676,090 Since 1952, Compassion's ministry model has proved to provide immense stability in the face of various economic situations. This U.S. and international chain of Assemblies of God addiction recovery centers uses non-medical, unscientific methods, including exorcism, for treatment of addiction and attempts to change sexual orientation. According to critic Tom Barry, writing for Counterpunch, E&PPC helped forge a working alliance between secular neoconservatives, Christian conservatives, and the broader religious right. 2011 564,750 Compassion International Colorado Springs CO 80997 800-336-7676 Colorado Spgs CO | IRS ruling year: 2014 | EIN: 36-2423707 Compassion International is a Christian child development organization working to release children from poverty in Jesus' name. We consistently receive some of the highest ratings possible from charity 2012 5,000 (note: other The Gathering foundations give substantially more funding to CWA than does NCF), 2001 600 Note: this is an evolving work. 2006 1,466,920 Wildmon was an original signatory to the Coalition on Revival. Compassion's goal is to provide a trip to each country every other year. The need to oppose a false understanding of poverty which makes poverty itself a 2007 83,400 (combined, all AoG entities/missions) 2002 1,000 2011 1,023,800 2013 2,350, Campus Crusade For Christ (EIN 95-2814920). 2002 100 2005 897,800 The core ideas are derived from Christian Reconstructionism. The Heritage Foundation 2011 7,900 2013 451,740, Christian Film and Television Commission (EIN 13-2961538). | Reset password Create An Account Creating an account allows you to track your sponsorships, donations, and more. So, the perception of grass-roots organizing, or home rule, is critical. Compassion International Blog 2007 24,500 According to DNA, Stephen Langa is the East Africa Coordinator (see: https://www.disciplenations.org/samaritan-strategy-budding-in-sudan/) for Samaritan Strategy Africa, a trans-African network, with at least six regional offices, that provides Christian worldview training. 2012 -1,800,186, Traditional Values Coalition (EIN 33-0625188). Medical emergencies.