An amazing "coincidence" between Eucharistic miracles and relics from the life of Jesus Christ suggests that we might. Chromosomes - Ark Discovery Research on mice has revealed that an egg needs possess a pair of chromosomes from both the father and the mother in order to grow into a healthy embryo. The Shroud of Turin has long been revered as the fabric . Actual Blood of Jesus and the Ark of the Covenant discovered in Israel! According to Ron Wyatts lectures, the blood that he discovered and tested contained just 24 chromosomes, indicating that it was a single cell. This research scientist claims that Jesus biological Father is God. Also, I recently came across a YouTube video that came to the same conclusion that Jesus blood is still alive. In this interview Ron also statesprophesizesthat in due time the truth of the Ark of the Covenant, the Ten Commandment tablets, and the blood of Jesus Christ will be revealed to the whole world, and this will conclude the spreading of the Gospel to the world, and then the End will come. Where did Jesus Y chromosome come from, and what is its significance? Sequencing of the entire human genome was completed in 2003, and showed that human DNA contains only 20,000-30,000 genes, a . 98% of our readers don't give; they simply look the other way. Most of the time, the children of a sheep couple perish. The angel, on the other hand, was one step ahead of her and knew the answer to this question: That is why that holy thing who shall be born of thee shall be known as the Son of God. It was quietly but excitedly reported by Christian news networks: If the blood found there, indeed, was that of Jesus (which seems plausible to me), then He had 24 chromosomes, rather than the normal 46. There was a . Human chromosomes are thought to be the bearers of the genetic features that distinguish individuals. Keywords: Jesus, Host, blood type, miracle. Hi readers, it seems you use Catholic Online a lot; that's great! Anyone who wants to live eternally with God must eat the flesh and drink the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus received a set of 23 chromosomes (22 + X) from His mother Mary and a set of 23 chromosomes (22 + Y) from God the Holy Spirit ( Mt 1:18-20; Lk 1:30-35 ). However, he only had 46 chromosomes because he was a normal human being. The Royal Bloodline is Well-Documented in European History. The Blood of Jesus Christ and the Ark of the Covenant have been discovered by Ron Wyatt and a team of Archeologists underneath Golgotha in Israel. The Blood of Jesus Found on the Ark of the Covenant - Ron Wyatt - Nsearch Two copies of chromosome 9, one copy inherited from each parent, form one of the pairs. The number seven comes into play once more, since Jesus blood provides at least seven separate advantages that allow us to complete our salvation: The grace of sacraments, represented by the blood and water from His side pierced by a spear (John 19:34), represents aid and forgiveness (cf. In total, 2 of His mother's autosomal chromosomes duplicated times 22, plus 1 (X) chromosome + 1 (Y) chromosome = 23 homologous pairs of chromosomes. If you reject the story below because a Catholic did not make the discovery or a Eucharistic miracle was not involved, you have less understanding than most about how God moves. True believers dont need proof, but in lieu of the scientific evidence, it should be clear to unbelievers that Jesus Christ is the genetic offspring of the God of Abraham. The scientists involved purportedly converted to Christianity as a result of their findings. I heard about discovery of Jesus' blood on the ark of covenant by Ryan Watt. The Israelis, too, concluded that Jesus had 23 chromosomes from his mother but only 1 chromosome from his father, making his blood unique among human beings. If you believe in the Bible, Jesus would have had less wealth than the average person if he lived today. In order to maintain Gods righteousness and justice, sin must be punished. It is believed that Jesus blood has just 24 chromosomes rather than 46, with 23 chromosomes coming from His mother and only one male chromosome coming from God the Father. Is it safe to believe that Jesus blood has been discovered? Eucharistic miracles that defy scientific explanation - Aleteia Amos Kloner Archaeologist and professor emeritus in the Martin Szusz Department of the Land of Israel Studies at the Bar Ilan University in Ramat Gan, Israel, where he teaches Hellenistic, Roman, and Byzantine archaeology. These gentlemen have requested that I do not disclose my permit since the names of the persons who signed the permit are on the permit. God granted unique graces to a amateur godly There are plenty of apologetic answers for the skeptics, but perhaps the most shocking revelations come from an unexpected source, medical science. Even the Bible makes mention of Jesus's blood relatives. Blood Discovered On The Shroud Of Turin - Strand Of Jesus' DNA Can Be In case the video did not work, the blood was not only still alive, but it contained 24 chromosomes! The bleeding Host was preserved and can still be found today at the Church of San Francesco, in Lanciano, Italy. Suppose anybody wants me to elaborate or indicate how this plays no factor in the concept of the Godhead for him simultaneously being fully God. Assuming that Jesus was a healthy male human (species: Homo sapiens sapiens), each of his somatic cells would have had 23 pairs (or . It is hypothesized that parthenogenesis evolved in some species as a fall-back mechanism to allow females to reproduce in situations when males are not readily accessible, such as when females became geographically isolated from men. It's a little awkward to ask, but we need your help. Underground chamber reveals Temple treasures. "The blood is human blood, of group AB, male, and was found to be identical in the two samples tested, the blood from the tears from the Icon of the Virgin and the blood that appeared of the Face of Jesus are the same," the team reported, adding that "the configuration of the genetic features found in the Y chromosome does not correspond to any of the configurations present in the world wide . Please respond to an article I read which claims that Luke uses Greek idioms and puts them in the mouth of Paul, showing he is making things up. Today, we humbly ask you to defend Catholic Online's independence. CLICK HERE TO WATCH THE VIDEO. Chromosomes in somatic cells (in the human) are divided into 23 pairs, which is to say, two sets of 23 chromosomes per set. However, the Ophioglossum (fern) of the flora has the majority of the chromosomes, which number 1260. Ron Wyatt - Chromosome count in 'blood' sample This excerpt from an interview from the documentary film Revealing Gods Treasure (1998) features Ron Wyatt debunking the Israeli Department of Antiquities false claims about the discovery of both Jesus blood and the Ark of the Covenant. When in the last 2000 years have the Canaanite-Edomite-jews been "ready to hear about Jesus"? Then the probability of a virgin birth of a male with 2 Y genes is 1/ [300] [20,000] [20,000] = 1/120 billion.) Listed below are some thoughts on the issues that he was wrestling with, and they serve as a fantastic starting point for a great debate on the human and divine natures of our Lord and Savior. EVERY HUMANS HAS 46 CHROMOSOMES, THE TESTED BLOOD OF JESUS HAD ONLY 23 Ron Wyatt's words of testing: Voiant Blood Cells were put in a growth medium for 48 hours and kept at body temperature for 48 hours then the test showed that this blood had only 24 Chromosomes in it, everyone else has 46 Chromosomes, 23 from your mother and 23 Chromosomes . I heard about discovery of Jesus blood on the ark of covenant by Ryan Watt. Perhaps there is an orchestrated lie on behalf of the Church? In 2010, Kasimir Popkonstantinov discovered what he believes are the bones of one of the most famous of all saints: John the Baptist. Mary Magdalene in the role of Jesus wife. Could you perhaps assist me in making sense of this? Copyright 2022 Catholic Online. (Mitochondrial DNA, similarly, is the easiest to track in women, as it is passed on through daughters.) How Many Chromosomes Did Jesus Have - Proven Way If there are any genuine relics amid the large quantity of fakes, how can you tell which ones are genuine and which ones are not? I was interested in what DNA analysis could tell us about . A genetic analysis of Jesus dried blood proves that his Father is non-human. Even before the discovery of genetics and modern biology, most cultures believed that sexual contact, during which the liquid released by the male organ in orgasm called semen was impregnated inside the females sexual organ somehow resulted in the development of a fetus that would grow into a human being. It was discovered that Jesus biological mother was a normal human female, and that His father was not a human male (Jesus DNA is apparently twice as sophisticated as that of a normal human being) after a genetic analysis of a blood sample widely believed to belong to Jesus was performed at a private facility in Tel Aviv. Freedom from Illuminati Bloodlines & Genetics - Bride Ministries The sex-determining ones are the X chromosome and the Y chromosome. If not why not? The globe was taken aback by the studys findings. The Ark of the Covenant Special Article . . A cell-line derived from a patient with chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) is described. That means that the owner of that blood had 23 chromosomes (including the X) from the mother and ONLY the Y from the 'father'!!!! Lord, When Did We See You Hungry or Thirsty or a Stranger or Naked or Ill or in Prison? Its possible that its a fabrication. Cells make up the structure of the human body. That is the essence of Dylan's question. Animals have 48 chromosomes. Many believed the tomb to be no more than 1,000 years old at the time of its discovery. Chromosome analysis or karyotyping is a test that evaluates the number and structure of a person's chromosomes in order to detect abnormalities. It could be argued that if there was a human genetic profile in the sample tested then it would not be the Blood of Christ, because Jesus is said to have been born without the intervention . Human chronic myelogenous leukemia cell-line with positive - PubMed Mary, to be sure, but who contributed the other half? When the sperm penetrates the egg, the two sets combine to produce your own chromosome, which you pass on to your children. During the time of King David, an angel visited a lady named Mary who was a poor descendant of the king. Chromosomes Did Jesus Have? If Jesus was God, why did He say the Father was greater than He and The term alleles refers to genes that are found on chromosomes. Nothing but the blood The nature of Jesus' crucifixion as declared in the Bible is one filled immense with torture, humiliation, and pain. Antibody type: Mainly IgG, some IgM The majority of Rh antibodies are of the IgG type. Will you believe Satan's ambassadors for America, or a righteous man of truth and Godwho, despite the efforts of Israeli authorities and MOSSAD, still has evidence to prove that there was a cover-up? This genetic blueprint is referred to as a genome. I like either one of these possibilities. These men have asked me not to show my permit because the authorizing signature on the permit are their names. The new cell-line, which has over 175 serial passanges in a 3 1/2-yr period, has the following characteristics: (1) CML cells started to proliferate actively since they were first incubated in culture media. The host was human heart tissue with the blood type, AB, which is the rarest of all blood types. 24 Chromosomes were found in the blood. The bishop who sent the sample was Jorge Bergoglio. Dan Bahat Dan Bahat is one of Israel's leading archaeologists and a senior lecturer at the Land of Israel Studies at Bar-Ilan University. Geneticists Study Jesus' Blood - 24 Chromosomes and 'Non Human'. How many chromosomes did Jesus have? - Quora 'Help Give every Student and Teacher FREE resources for a world-class Moral Catholic Education', Almsgiving, Prayer, and Fasting: The Three Pillars of Lent. Has there been real DNA testing of Jesus' blood? What - Quora Without the whole set of 23 chromosomes, which is the exact essence of a man, he couldnt have been human, but rather a monster like Superman from Krypton or a Naavi from Pandora, which are both mythical creatures. A viewer submits this question in this clip from Fr. Geneticists Study Jesus' Blood - 24 Chromosomes and 'Non Human' Being fully human, Jesus had normal appearing human chromosomes - so a paired set of 22 autosomes and an X and Y (note that Dylan refers to "alleles" in his question. All the animals looked like their kind, but man looked like God (Jesus). In the essay, it was said that it was evidently not uncommon for ancient readers to enjoy concurrently two conflicting legends about the beginnings of a renowned person. In view of his subsequent heroic feats, the second theory, which is more appropriate, involves a miraculous conception and envisages him as a son of the gods. When you consider that even in this modern period, children have no idea that their parents must have sexual relations before they may have children, it is simple to comprehend how the ancients, especially those who lived throughout Biblical times, believed about how people are born and developed. 1:35 (Luke 1:35) The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you, the angel said. Here, the potential and limitations of modern molecular biology techniques . Lk1:35 Mary was impregnated with male chromosome - came from God. The Body of Christ 1 Corinthians 12:12 For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ. The technicians from the laboratory in Tel Aviv approached Ron Wyatt and inquired as to where he had gotten the blood from. This is a common question fielded by skeptics. Also, because the idea that the blood of Jesus could be found, or that it could have been preserved for nearly two thousand years is absolutely absurd. This suggests that they are of the same species since they were able to transmit it down to their children and grandchildren.